🔥 Blaze X peasant! reader 🔥

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(Y/N) - your name

(F/A) - favorite animal

(F/C) - Favorite color

❖ This is when the reader enters a tournament to become a knight for the princess of flames, Blaze, but then interrupted by the abrupt presence of Captain Whiskers.


~ your P.O.V. ~

I was woken up by the sun hitting my face, a sign of a new day, but it's also the day the knight tests are conjured, and I CAN.NOT.WAIT! I've been training my whole life for this, I don't know what it's like so there's no time to waste! I got to change into my handmade clothing I sewed up and rushed downstairs sliding on the rail cooking up breakfast, luckily the tournament doesn't start until "the sky fully blue", so I have enough time making eggs and coffee. As I serve myself I went to get mail, which luckily there's nothing new.

After I finish eating I get my stuff and rush out the door heading to the kingdom ready to test my might, there's no way things will get worse!...until when I got there, "sir please I need to enter! it's my wildest dream to become a knight serving under her highness's rule!", I pleaded. "sorry madam/sir but your simply a peasant, I mean look at you! your all frail! I bet you can't even pick up a single sword!", the knight said already attempting to get my spirit down, as I kept pleading I saw the princess and she sees me trying to enter which made the knight notice her and let her through. This is it, why'ed I ever think of coming here...I'm such a fool...

"Let her/him/them in sergeant", the princess said and my face lit up in shock,"b-but princess she/he/their too weak to enter the competition! she/he/they might hurt themselves! and the tournament's tests are way tougher than years ago!" "It is no excuse for my people to at least try...now let her/him/them through..." "y-yes princess Blaze...", the knight said in defeat and signs me up letting me enter as I mouthed out 'thank you' to her royal highness gifting me one of her rare smiles. What luck! if luck is by my side then I'm only moments away from becoming a knight! I won't let you down princess Blaze!!!


~ Blaze's P.O.V. ~

Things are getting interesting nowadays, after letting a nice peasant through to enter the knight's tournament to tests their might to become one of my former knights I knew right at that moment she/he/they seem really nice. But sergeant is right, the tests are tougher than years ago before the first attacks of Captain Whiskers and Eggman Nega, the time I first met Sonic and the others...I sure hope they got my invites, ever since Tails made a device to allow us to consult conversations between worlds I knew I just have to use it months before the tournament even started. As I sat on my seat where I could see everything above the coliseum Sonic and three others arrived, Tails, Shadow and Silver, since the tests are tougher there is no doubt that it's gonna get violent. Thankfully, my best friend Cream decides to stay at her house playing with the new princess stuff I have given her, "Hey Blaze! Long time no see!", Sonic said in unison with his cheery tone as always. "So this is the Knightly Tournament huh? what a view!", Tails exclaim taking a few pictures as he sat down on his seat, "I'll admit...It is a nice view" "Yes it is", both shadow and silver said.

"Don't get too comfortable, not only you four are guests of honors you all are also judges, so please be wise on your decision", I stated making not only Sonic, Tails, and Silver look at the soon-to-be knights but Shadow has already started analyzing the soon-to-be knights already disgusted from half of them. As the trumpets blared the tournament has already started, "Presenting you from the kingdom of our world, please bow to our royal highness - Princess Blaze!", making everyone cheer as I stood waving, "...And as guests of honors, Heros from another world, Sonic, Tails, Silver, and Shadow!", they too stood to wave as the crowd roar with excitement, we all sit while the announcer states the details. "In this tournament, our future knights will enter three different tests of chivalry, honor, courage, and protection! things will be more heated than many years ago from the attack of former villains, so please sit back and relax and let the games begin!", the announcer ends and the crowd roars even louder...

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