☠️ Dark "Luminous" Gaia x 2-3 ft Short!Goth!reader ☠️

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(( not only this is like my 20th chapter but this is the first chapter I put my picture ouo and if you want to see more of my artworks, visit my Tumblr!~ I'm called -> https://icepaca.tumblr.com/ you are more than welcome to visit and follow me there!~ let us get to 500 followers!~ ))


F/A - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

(F/C) - Favorite color

❖ You were roaming around and met a dark entity in the middle of your Spangonian shopping spree for Halloween.


~ Dark Gaia's P.O.V. ~

...To think this day couldn't get any more boring, Light Gaia or "Chip" as the blue rodent called him dragged me to join at least one of these human's festivities. "C'mon Dark!~ it'll be fun!~" "No" "Please!~" "No" "Please!~~", and it goes on and on. He has done this before until I give up to approve his request, and he knew that if I don't approve he's gonna keep asking so I sigh in utter defeat. "Fine, I'll go.." "Yayy!~~", Light exclaimed in happiness and we both follow sonic taking a ride on the fox's plane to Spangonia.

By the time we land, the four of us walked around the city but I see lights in a variety of colors in orange and purple. I see little humans wearing clothing with rips and toilet paper, and I see the pumpkins having little faces like it was supposed to scare me. "You ok Dark?" "yes, but what are these humans doing?...", I asked and Light made a shock expression. "Ah! I forgot you didn't know human cultures!~ Ok so every year, once a year in the Autumn season, these humans go around a dress up like monsters!~ and getting free candy!~ You can even play games here!~", Light explained and continues to jabber like those mammals with wings that can talk. I was getting bored so I let Light get distracted as I made my way in a different direction.

As I was floating about taking notes on this festival, I see an (F/C) (F/A) with two bags of goodies from this event. But she's/he's/they're not wearing anything like what everyone is wearing no, she's/he's/they're wearing something different but still in that witchy feel...

 But she's/he's/they're not wearing anything like what everyone is wearing no, she's/he's/they're wearing something different but still in that witchy feel

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...I don't know why but I felt entranced by her/his/their beauty, did she/he/they cast a spell on me or something?


~ Your P.O.V. ~

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