💠Silver X Fallen Angel!Reader💠

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(F/A) - fav animal

(Y/N) - your name

(F/C) - fav color

❖you are a fallen angel unconscious and saved by silver the hedgehog who not only took you home but shows you things you never knew


~ Your P.O.V. ~

You're falling...you don't know why...or how but you feel the wind gusting through your wings, you were once an angel living in heaven waiting for your next life as a mortal but instead you get to fall onto Earth instead, only just to make a sin that upset the Gods, you didn't want to work for the devil but it's the only way to protect the Gods from harm, which in this case the Gods understood but followed the rules as you accepted the consequences. 

But it was all a blur now...you could barely remember anything from falling, it felt like an eternity, as you were falling you can only imagine the pain after the fall but instead you felt two sets of hands to stop you from falling further into the ground, you don't know who save you or anything since your unconscious but it doesn't stop you from feeling something or someone. It all came to a pause when you hear voices, "Did you just fall from the sky?", you guessed it sounds like a teenager, no later than 14, or so you thought. "I guess I'll wait until you wake up...", you hear once more and began to feel another gust of wind but to the direction of where your being taken for hospitality, you just hope it's not someone that'll do any harm but for now...

...you'll just have to wait and see 


~ 9 months later ~

You woke up with a pounding headache, groaning you sat up trying to collect your thoughts, " ugh my head...", you mutter painfully from a migraine, you look around to see a really neat living room with not so many stuff, only a few pictures, furniture, and a medium sized flat screen TV. 'wonder who lives here..', I thought and I hear footsteps from the staircases...


~ Silver's P.O.V. ~

When I heard a soft groan in the living room I knew she/he/they are finally up, I was a bit worried that she/he/they'll never wake up so when I heard her get up I went to the bathroom to get ibuprofen to ease her headache, as I go down the stairs she/he/they turned to me cautious as if she/he/they thought I was a threat but meant no harm. "um, hi", I waved abit nervous as I scratch behind my quills."um...hi? uh, where am I" "you're in my house, you fell outta the sky...so I caught you and take you home see if you wake up, but you didn't so I waited 'till you wake up and...here we are heh", I stated getting more nervous as I tell her/him/them more when she/he/they were unconscious.

"H-how long I was out...?" "9 months...", I answered and her/his/their face turned into a shock like she/he/they were about to panic but she/he/they didn't instead she/he/they sigh sadly. I wondered why did she/he/they had a family she lost? or maybe worse? I rather not ask her now, I'll ask her when her/him/them trust me enough, for now, she looks hungry 'cause I could almost hear her/his/their stomach churned. "So uh anyways, you hungry? I'm ordering pizza", I said and she/he/they give a confused look to me, has she/he/they never tried pizza before? it's hard to say, she/he/look almost my age...


~ Your P.O.V. ~

Pizza? is it a weapon? a pet? what era is this? "What is this pisa you speak of?", I said which gave him nearly a shock, "I'll show you when it gets here, it's amazing", he said so excitedly as he makes the order. So for now, I wait as Silver tells me everything about this era which is quite educational, TV? Video games? Cars and modern art? it's way more different than my era back at medieval times. It was then me and Silver hear a doorbell making me get in fighting position ready to strike, "what beast makes that sound?!" "D-don't! wait! it's just a doorbell!", he reassures me as I relax when he opens the door paying the "pisa" he mention earlier but all I see is a flat box with writings and pictures until the smell hits me, what smells so good now all a sudden?

As he set the box down on the coffee table he opens it and I see the "pisa" right before my eyes, with cheese galore and pepperoni sprinkled around like confetti. It looks like a work of art I nearly melt, as he hands me a plate and cut the "pisa" up handing me a piece showing me how to eat it, I took a bite, WHAT FLAVORS!~ THE TASTE IS JUST WONDERFUL!!~ I wish everyone else in heaven would try...They all would've loved this delicious food, but instead, they're waiting to be born again. When I look at silver enjoying the food I thought to myself..

I think being a fallen angel is not half bad...


Hey, so I see more of you guys are reading more in this one-shot and you have no idea how happy i am just writing these things, as you already knew these one-shots requests are still open and the gender is mutual, so don't worry about your gender being left unnoticed. ENJOY!~

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