🔵Sonic X Fast! Reader🔵

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F/A - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

❖this one-shot is about you and the blue-clad bumping into each other


~Third person P.O.V.~

You have woken up to a beautiful morning, getting ready for a nice run around town enjoying the whole day. You are an (F/A) who is almost as fast as the speed of light, it was a special gift you endured when you were just a small mobian and use it as an advantage to help around town. Minutes (or perhaps seconds) after taming your hair and doing personal hygiene, you get in your running outfit...

 Minutes (or perhaps seconds) after taming your hair and doing personal hygiene, you get in your running outfit

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...Ready to hit the road.


~ Time Skip: hours later ~

" Thanks Again (Y/N)!~ " " No prob miss!~ ", you said to a young lady as you dash away. As you made your way through Green Hills heading home you bump into someone head to head making you and the stranger fall back holding yours and their forehead groaning and rocking yourselves from a painful yet unexpected headbutt. After a while, you both got up still rubbing your heads, " sorry, wasn't looking where I was going. ", he said in an apologetic tone and your reply, " it's cool, I guess I wasn't paying attention either heh " chucking it out. Once, you both look at each other there's a sudden silence making it long enough to make it awkward, " So uh, what's your name ", you asked the blue hedgehog and he answered, " I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog ", with a sly grin holding his hand out to you for a handshake asking you the same question, " what's your name? " he asked you. " My names (Y/N), (Y/N) the (F/A) ", you reply and he gets a call from a familiar fox and answers it then hangs up, " I gotta jet, see you around again? ", he said handing you his phone number with you smiling sheepishly saying, " Not until I see you first~ ", as he runs away smirking at you before vanishing with a speed boost.

As you get home and do the regular daily errands you plop on your bed after ordering Chinese food staring at the phone number the blue-clad, or in other words, Sonic has given you at Green Hills has left you smiling blushing softly as you said these words...

" What a day this has been 💙"


I hope you like this one-shot, I know its a bit short only having 4 hundred words but just so you know i've been avoiding to write for awhile so i might be more than abit rusty. i hope you understand, so any ways ill be writing more and requests are still open as this book is waiting for more attention.

So see you next time my peeps!~ 😄✌️

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