❄️ Part 1: Shadow X Ice manipulation! Reader ❄️

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❖ (Y/N) - Your name

❖ (F/A) - Favorite animal

❖ (F/C) - Favorite Color

❖ (E/C) - Eye color

❖ (G/E/C) - Glowing eyes color

❖ Shadow witnessed a secret you never told nor showed him before, But what is it? Read on and find out. (A/N: I'm still sorry about my absence so I hope this really long chapter can make it all up. And don't worry, more is coming very soon. )


.:|| Soleanna, Castle Town; 11:55 am ||:.

- Shadow's P.O.V. -

     Today was supposed to be another one of Amy's parties, and I'm almost ready to call of quits and just work my whole day at the G.U.N. Military. However, even my job insists that I should have the week off since I worked and every mission possible and that the soldiers will send me a message whenever something comes up to date. High, and right on time, too, as I was walking, Sonic catches up to my side. "Hey, Shads! are you heading to Amy's party?~", he questions me with a smirk.

"I have no interest in another one of your friend's events, Hedgehog," I scoffed, and he gasps in a playful tone. "Oh, but you must! or Amy will get out her Piko Hammer!~ Besides, she's inviting someone new in town!" He's right, I'll never hear the end of it from her and her hammer if I don't go, but that's not what got me interested, what got me intrigued is the new ally that Sonic mentioned. "Fine I'll go, but don't ever annoy me the whole event Blue Faker," I warned, and he chuckles holding his hands up, he's up to something, I just know it.

     As I have gotten to Amy's party, she greets me, and she drags me over to a new face. An (F/A), her/his/their fur and hair with an (F/C) color, in perfect contrast to (E/C) gemstones-like eyes. So, this is the new resident in Soleanna. I'd be lying if she/he/they aren't matching my high standards. "Hello, you must be Shadow, right?" the (F/A) asked, and I shook my hand in hers/his/theirs. "Yes I am, who might you be?" "I'm (Y/N), Amy told me a lot about you," she/he/they smiled, and I gave a stare to Amy, knowing she has much to explain. "Has she?" I have spoken, and Amy left to get us some refreshments.

I learned that (Y/N) originally moved from the United Federation, just near the Emerald Coast located at Station Square. How come I never saw her/him/them? That's when she/he/they admitted that she/he/they are more reserved and instead explore the woods or certain villages like the Westside Islands at the Acorn Archipelago. In this nation, Sally and her Kingdom are living peacefully. She/He/They were bored living the city life, so when she/he/they found a pamphlet of Castle town, she/he/they had to move, this is where Silver; That time venturing hedgehog cued in. "Hey, Shadow! (Y/N)! are you both enjoying your welcome?" He asked the (F/A), and, she/he/they chuckled, "I'd be lying if I do not have fun Silver!~"


.:|| 8:25 pm ||:.

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