.:||🎄 Christmas Special: Sonic x Reader 🎄 ||:.

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/C) - Favorite color

❖ (F/F) - Favorite flowers

❖ (E/C) - eye color

❖ Your in Sonic's Christmas/sleepover party but there's something suspicious about Sonic, is he your Secret Santa?


.:|| Sonic's P.O.V. ||:.

    After seeing what (Y/N) was wearing I excused myself dashing to the kitchen all red, she/he/they look so beautiful/handsome wearing that! I put my hands on my face all flustered still hiding behind the counter, "Ugh she's/he's/they're so pretty, how am I going to confess to her/him/them?", I spoke after I got my stuff together, Tails walks up to me, "Hey Sonic! you ok? Did you dash off behind the counter?" "Y-yeah I did" "It's (Y/N) isn't it, I'm guessing Amy, Rouge, and Blaze help her/him/them buy some clothes", Tails stated, I'm not shocked that Amy and Rouge helped (Y/N) but Blaze? Anyways, after a while, everyone else arrived, including some old friends.

Good thing I own a mansion-like house, otherwise we'd all be outside, and I'm betting no one wants that. As I made my way to the living room, I see (Y/N) playing Soul Calibur against Rouge, she's/he's/they're so cute when she's/he's/they're so focused. "Yes! another win!" "Woah, (Y/N) when did you get better? did you get some practice?~", Rouge said so (Y/N), "I sure did, hey Sonic! wanna go for a few rounds?", she/he/they asked me, I just couldn't say no! So I smirked and go against a few rounds. I was so focused that I didn't notice that a few others were chanting either mines or (Y/N)'s name, either way, it ends up with a tie.

    "Whew, I'm all clammy", (Y/N) joked and heads to the others, good Mobius she's/he's/they're so cute. I want to follow and flirt at her/him/them and maybe use a few pick up lines but I don't want (Y/N) to think I'm weird, I look at the time and its 4:30 am, it felt like an hour but I guess time is picking up its speed. "So Secret Santa, did you get what you wanted?~" "R-ROUGE?!", I exclaimed, how did she knows I'm her secret Santa?! She giggled at my reaction, "Sonic it's really not that hard~ I saw you watching us at the mall~ not to mention some poor hand writing~" "I'm trying ok! >////<", god I'm so embarrassed, I forget how good her ears are, not to mention that she works for G.U.N., but it's true, I'm the one giving (Y/N) all those gifts, even the poem I recently gave her/him/them. I just couldn't confess to (Y/N) face to face, I'd be a wreck, but what if she's/he's/they're not feeling the same way? what if (Y/N) hates me after my confession? I want to be hers/his/theirs but I also don't want to ruin our friendship.

"Sonic? Sonic!" "ah! sorry Rouge, guess I'm thinking too much" "Well it is getting way past our bedtime, so how's about we all hit the hay and get plenty of sleep, and don't worry, I'll make this our little secret", Rouge said to me with a wink, she's right, maybe a good night sleep can help. After I show everyone their designated rooms, I realized that I'll be sharing my room with (Y/N), god it's going to be such an embarrassment, good thing I also got a hammock in my room. After my shower, I put on some warm pajamas, but instead of heading to my room to meet with (Y/N) I head to the kitchen. I thought maybe drinking some hot chocolate could help us ease our minds plus it gives (Y/N) some privacy to put on her/his/their PJs, walking up back those steps I open the door and I turn red like no tomorrow. In fact, I blush even harder when her/his/their own breast/abs show through their shirt! So I left the mugs on the table and immediately hid back behind the counters of the kitchen.

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