🥊 Knuckles x Boxer! Masculine! Tall! Reader 🥊

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(Y/N) - your name

(Y/B/N) - your boxing name

(F/C) - Favorite color

(F/F) - Favorite flowers

(E/C) - eye color

(F/A) - favorite animal

❖ You're a boxing champion, protecting the title belt of "United Federation's Championship", how will Knuckles react to you?

Warning: there's a small section that your opponent said deep shit that is being said to you.


~ United Federation, Casinopolis: 12:10 pm ~

~ Knuckles P.O.V. ~

    I was in Amy's car with Sonic, Silver, and Amy, I didn't want to go to this event due to the fact that I am the current guardian of the Master Emerald but the three of those hedgehogs convinced me to tag along. "Oh I can't wait to see this boxing event!~" "Me too Ames!~ You imagine THE (Y/B/N) defending her/his/their title as the United Federation's Champion?!~", I hear them conversating and I asked, "Whos (Y/B/N)?" "You don't know whos (Y/B/N) is?! she's/he's/they're famous around Westopolis!", Sonic exclaims to me and I was about to bicker but Amy defends me. "You forget that I have no electronics at Angel Island Sonic, Knuckles I think you'd like her/him/them!~ she's/he's/they're really tough too, there is a rumor saying that she/he/they used to work at their favorite restaurant in this very part of the United Federation!~", Amy explains but then I scoff. "Tough? now you intrigue me, what time does this "Championship" start?" "In a few hours, it's enough time to get some merchandise!~ C'mon guys!~", Amy answered and stops the car at a parking station, as we all got out to head inside.

As I followed I look around the area, posters are hunged up at every corner, it's like those conventions Sonic told me about. It was then I was bumped into a tall (F/A), "sorry 'bout that, upsy daisy!~", the stranger said and I was entranced, this (F/A) looks EXACTLY like the posters! "You ok there? Guess I should work on my surroundings some more~" "Y-yeah, uh aren't you that cham-hm?", she/he/they interrupted me putting a finger on my lips making me look up at her/him/them. "Shh! don't alert the crowd, If they found out I'm out here I'll be in trouble, I'm (Y/N) by the way, what's yours?" "K-Knuckles", I answered and she/he/they shook my hand, I can feel her/his/their strength!

   "Knuckles huh? that explains those cool knuckles!~ no pun intended I've never seen an echidna before, you new in Westopolis?" "Ah no I'm not, I'm friends with Sonic", And her/his/their eyes widen, "THE Sonic the Hedgehog? wow!~ You just gotta tell me all your adventures!~" "But wouldn't you rather hear that from him? he's in this building right now", I explained and she/he/they shook her/his/their head. "I rather hear an allies' person of view, oh it's almost time, say, wanna meet up later?" "S-sure!", I said and she/he/they took a picture of me with her/him/them and hands me a V.I.P. card and chain leaving me dumbfounded turning red when she/he/they run off with a wink.

I don't know what to say, I was so speechless and in thoughts that I was back to reality with the others. "Knuckles was that (Y/B/N)?!~" "Yeah why?" "Lucky!~ you get to see her/him/them!~", Amy said and hands me a shirt, some bracelets, and a cap forcing me to put them on. "There!~ Now let's go!~ it's going to starts!~", Amy said dragging me, Sonic and Silver to the Coliseum, where we see the ring shaped in a hexagon shape, surrounded by gates and rope. Minutes later everyone crowded the area and the battle begins with the announcer.

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