⚔️ Clove X Newbie! Eggman soldier! Reader ⚔️

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❖ (F/C) - Favorite Color

❖ (Y/N) -your name

❖ (F/A) - fav animal

❖ you are a new addition to the Eggman Empire as a low-class soldier working alongside an Egg Commander.


~ Your P.O.V. ~

I woke up to the alarms blaring and I quickly got up, I've read the rules so I have to get used to this new sleeping schedule. Especially on my first day on the job! So I quickly start my hygiene routine and I put on my uniform, I question who's my boss, well, other than Dr. Eggman of course. But the uniform I got is an asymmetrical (F/C) with white trim -- inspired uniform resembling a tailcoat, two white segmented bands run around the right side of my torso, ending in yellow buttons on my left side on both the front and back, black one-piece pants, white gloves with yellow rings, and all black combat boots.

I then grab my ID card, mint gum, and three spare hair bands just in case if my hair/quills get in the way. It was then I rushed out with a small piece of toast in my mouth running to my destination, I hope I'm not too late! As I got there it was minutes before my Boss arrives, I sigh and I get in position standing tall, I do however want to get to know some of my comrades but they're all quiet, stern, they're not even blinking! So I kept my mouth shut and wait.

Minutes later, I began to feel drowsy but I have to stay up, so I put a gum in my mouth and I put on these coffee-infused stickers that will keep my mind and body awake. Which surprisingly works, but then I hear footsteps and I wrap the chewed gum in the wrapping paper and threw it out before the Egg Commander even entered the room...


~ Clove's P.O.V. ~

...Ugh, another wasteful meeting, apparently Sonic is still nigh on our tails, but that's Eggman's problem to deal with. So as I walked down the halls I open the door to see a full row of new recruits. "Welcome to the Egg Empire soldiers, I am your commander Clove the Pronghorn, today we will do intense training the increase your skills on speed, strength, and agility. If any of you let me down it is off to the roboticizer for you...", I stated sternly making most of them sweat, well except one, an (F/C) (F/A), she/he/they look so weak but has so much potential like my younger sister Cassie.

After exchanging names I stood tall in front of the (F/A), "state your name soldier" "Egg Private 5XG-O118, (Y/N) (F/A), Ma'am!", she/he/they said and I couldn't help but crack a smile patting her/his/their head in acceptance, "Very good~ Now that's how you introduce your commanders!", I stated and I walk stating a few ground rules, I could tell the middle-class soldiers are in shocked by my actions on that low-class soldier.

"Understood?" "Yes Ma'am!", I nod and I dismiss their day to do their jobs, but then I got a call from Cassie, "Hey sis!~ hows the new recruits?" "pretty good, you might like one or two of them~" "C-CLOVE!!", I laughed out and tell her my day but then I was sent on an urgent mission with the other commanders, I am required to bring at least one soldier so I walked up to (Y/N). "(Y/N)" "Y-yes Ma'am?", I think she's/he's/they're a bit stiff so I pat her/his/their head and spoke calmly. "relax you are not in trouble~ However I am required to bring a soldier on my current mission" "I accept Ma'am!~" "Please call me Clove~ be ready in five minutes 'kay soldier~", I said and I hear exclaims of happiness. For a low-class soldier, she's/he's/they're very cute, and in all honesty, I'd be lying if I don't have a linking on her/him/them...

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