🔻Knuckles the Echidna X Reader🔻

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/A) - favorite animal

❖ This is when Knuckles spotted you sitting next to Master Emerald doing no harm


~ Knuckles' P.O.V. ~

I was just out getting food and hanging out with Sonic and Tails discussing conversations, but it was all interrupted by a certain Bat name Rouge, " shouldn't you be at Angel Island red?~ I hate to see what happens to that gorgeous emerald that will soon be mine~ ", " YOUR EMERALD?! ", I spoke in anger, I hate to admit it but she's right, as I check the time it's... 8:00 pm?!?! IT FELT LIKE MINUTES!!!, as I panic, I dash back to my island with Sonic and Tails catching up making sure my emerald is safe and sound, ugh some guardian I am, why did my ancestors choose me? none of that matters now, all it matters is keeping the Master Emerald safe...

As we got to Angel Island, I stopped in my tracks to see an (F/A) sitting near the Master Emerald, thoughts flooded my mind in panic. What is she/he/they gonna do to the Emerald? Is she/he/they gonna steal the Emerald or not?? WHY SHE/HE/THEY JUST SITTING THERE???, I nearly couldn't take it anymore, I was ready to attack her/him/them but I didn't, there's something about her/him/them that prevents me from doing so, is this what Amy was rambling about on this "love" thing? I wasn't sure but I feel tense in my own chest, my cheeks even feel a bit hot, WHAT DID SHE DO TO ME??

When she got to her bag I walked up to her steadily with caution, but when she/he/they turn to me my chest got tighter and my cheeks are nearly red as my own fur, I start panicking even more internally, just WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!


~ Your P.O.V. ~

When I turn around feeling watched I was nose to nose to a red echidna turning as red as his fur, where'd he come from? Is he like a guardian or something? I have so many questions! anyways with all excitement aside, I broke the silence in the air when we both backed away, " um, hi, you live here? ", I asked trying to stir up a conversation, I can tell by just staring into his face expression he seems confused and nervous that it was a bit of a shock for me to hear him speak for being that nervous. " y-yes I do live h-here, uh ahem, are you a threat to the Master Emerald..? ", he asked, so I was right, he is a guardian, but for a guardian he's not very good at it but hey he's trying and that's what counts.

Anyways, I answer his question, " no, I'm merely just a mobian girl/boy/(F/A) enjoying nature ", and it's true, I love nature, it's a shame it's all to waste because of the people and companies to kill Mother Nature's creations but I guess that's the balance of it all, which is why I mostly live in villages.  He seems like a nice guy though, but he looks familiar, have I seen him somewhere else? must be just my imagination. While I was deep in my thoughts it was cut short hearing a magical sound coming from the huge gem, but what I saw shocked me...

Chaos, god of destruction, i-i thought it was all a myth, or so I thought because HE'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AND THE RED MOBIAN! I didn't want to run, I didn't want to hide either, I just stood there watching not only the red echidna but also the blue hedgehog everyone knows and a yellow fox fighting against chaos. " STAY BACK MISS ", the Echidna shouted at me to hide but as I ran the water elemental sees me running and caught me in its wet claws making me struggle and kick my legs all about. " LET ME GO YOU GIANT BLOB OF WATER", I screamed out struggling harder which to my guess it's making things worse. Seeing the god of destruction ready to end me for good by raising its claw makes me close my eyes just to see what happens next...


~ Knuckles' P.O.V. ~

As I see Chaos about to hurt her/him/them, I felt this sudden anger building up inside of my chest, I don't know what sorcery she cast on me but I need to save her before it ends her/his/their life. So I just that, I sent Chaos back inside the Master Emerald as I hit his weak spot and catching the mobian before she/he/they even fall into the dirt. " you ok? ", I asked in concern. I really need to ask Amy whats happening to me, this is all so new to me still. " y-yeah I'm ok ", she/he/they answered, I can tell she/he/they uncomfortable so I help her/him/them up trying to stay cool. But for now, I need a break...

~ Moments later ~

While I walked her back to her place, I don't feel that tense anymore like back at Angel Island, it's so weird just thinking about it but I ignore the thought and I stir up a conversation, "Sooo...What's your name? never seen you around these parts before ", I asked and she answered, " I'm (Y/N) the (F/A), and yeah I don't tend to be around that much, most of the times I venture out in the forest alone ", just by hearing that, I kinda do the same thing, when we got to her house I asked once more, " wanna hang around at Angel Island some more? ", I ask handing her my phone number a bit flustered guessing she/he/they would say no but instead she/he/they said yes, which is quite a suprise. 

Maybe this time I'll learn about this "love" thing for once...

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