🐒 Ken Khan X Scarred! Masked! reader 🐒

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❖ (F/C) - Favorite Color

❖ (Y/N) -your name

❖ (F/A) - fav animal

❖ (F/S/A) - fav second animal

❖ (F/F) - favorite flower

❖ you are cloaked masked mobian, hiding your scarred face from the world because of your insecurities. 


~ Your P.O.V. ~

I was woken up to the sounds of birds chirping and I got up rubbing my eyes starting the day off with a good shower and doing my dentistries. Afterward, I put on some clothes; a light grey oversized sweater, black leggings and black combat boots, as well as my (F/S/A) mask. I can never go outside without it, not even if I order takeouts online or on the phone for pizza or Chinese food. I have a burn marks/scars all over my muzzle/eyes/head fur, so I ordered a mask online and I wore it ever since when I get downstairs I look at the mirror and put on my mask, my tiny bookbag/purse, keys, wallet, and my phone ready to start another day.

As I was walking to a small restaurant opening the door I saw Amy, Sonic, Sally, and a monkey mobian. "(Y/N)!~ come sit with us!", Sonic calls and I sat between Amy and the unknown mobian, "Good morning (Y/N)!~" "Good morning Amy", I said to Amy and we order breakfast, now waiting Sally speaks "(Y/N) this is Monkey Khan, Ken this is (Y/N)", and I respond holding out my hand, I could've sworn I saw his cheeks turning a bit pink. "Pleasure to meet you, Khan, I'm (Y/N) (F/A)", I smile and he shook my hand with slight stutters, "N-nice to meet you too (Y/N) and please, call me Ken and may a say your such a ray of sunshine~" "oho~ flattery will get you nowhere Ken, good try doe~", I wink and he turns red this time, making me chuckle softly. 

When our food arrives I was about to pay until Ken stops me, "allow me~ here you go, ma'am, ~" "Thank you sir~ enjoy!~", and with that, I turn to Ken and he smiles at me,  I don't think he can tell if I'm shocked or blushing because of the mask, while we eat we all talked until Ken asked me a question I tend to avoid, "So (Y/N), do you keep the mask on all day?" "Y-yes why?", there, he's either giving me a look of concern or a look of pure disgust or maybe both. "Can you take it off? I'm worried that you might lose some air..." "I'm good but thank you for your concern", I said dropping the topic and I continue to drink my smoothie through my straw...


~ Ken's P.O.V. ~

...Before I even protest I took a glance at the others and they're giving me a look saying "drop it, its best not to", so I apologized and I continue to eat my food. However, for a mobian wearing a mask, he/she/they are a ray of sunshine, he's/she's/they're very cute but I can tell he/she/they have some dark secrets as I do. I'm not only a Chinese monkey mobian, but I'm also a cyborg. It's also another reason why I'm called "Monkey Khan", but I put that all in the past. After we all finished eating and grabbed our belongings, I caught up to (Y/N), maybe I can know her/him/them a bit better. "So uh (Y/N), what do you do on your spare time?", she/he/they turn to me, "Oh I just go to my favorite parts in the woods or I just stay home watching Gotham", and after that, we both talk some more on what we had in common.

Hours later I asked, "Hey uh you free tonight?" "Yeah why?", she/he/they asked and well I don't want her/him/them to think I hesitated, but I asked anyway. "Well I was wondering if you'd like to I don't know to spend a few days or weeks at my village, because well, I'm leaving tonight to head back. So, what d'ya say?", and with that, I encountered one of the most cutest moments from the (F/A) mobian. "Are you kidding I'd love too! what time?!" "anytime can work~ just before sunrise", and with that, we bid our farewells as I flew of riding on a cloud back to my temporary apartment to start packing. However, I didn't notice that I was blushing the whole time being reminded by that exact moment, I couldn't help but smile and immediately start packing...

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