♥️ Shadow X Gf/Bf! Reader ♥️

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/A) - fav animal

❖ (F/C) - fav color


♥️ Y/N's P.O.V. ♥️

     "Sigh~ He should be here by now..", I mumbled out in worried, since the alien invasion of the Black Arms, Shadow decides to use his power for good and work at the GUN military. He felt it would give the government the upper hand, as well as what I call; Bonding time, with the General. Since the two were very close to Maria fifty years back, ahem, may she rest in peace. And while I am happy for him to finally know the truth and amend his past mistakes, he's been throwing himself harder at work. 

I know because Rouge has kept me in touch, even though she's a bit concerned. Despite being the ultimate lifeform, even he needs rest. And I have a feeling the General has taken notice of this too. But, if anything happens Rouge or Omega will let me know. I have asked him if I can join the military, but he denied it and stated that he doesn't want anything to happen to me, which is sweet of him to be worried.

     Now that I think about it, we're both worried about each other's safety and well-being. Just for two different reasons. Hm, I know, I'll make those red velvet cookies, I haven't made them for quite a while. I wonder if I still have the recipe, looking at the clock I sped to the kitchen. The last time I baked cookies took me a few minutes to prepare the dough, let's see if I can break a new record.

     Finally, the cookies are finished, didn't beat the record though. Oh well, it was fun. Putting them on the coffee table, I hear the doorknob wiggle. "Oh, good Mobius! Shadow!", I exclaimed rushing to him, there were bruises and fresh cuts all over his body. "Hey," Shad said trying to brush it off but winces softly when he moves his arm, giving him a look he knows too well he gives in.


♥️ Shadow's P.O.V. ♥️

     "It was an ambush" "Eggman?", I hear the (F/A) guessed, it wasn't him this time though. The attack was sloppy and reckless, "No, Infinite", I said and that gave (Y/N) a small look of horror. Infinite the Jackel was someone that not even Tails understand, he's a mobian but his former powers from the ruby felt robotic. 

It was the second time that I almost lost (Y/N) to him, or at least in this case a fake virtual reality of me. "It wasn't your fault y'know", she/he/they reminded me and I nod, carefully sitting on the couch exhausted. "I'll go get the first aid" I hear the (F/A) say and left me be. Taking off my gloves and shoes, I noticed the baked goods on the table. Red velvet, (Y/N) hasn't made these in some time. God, she/he/they must've fretted over me while I was gone, I'm such a bad partner. I probably shouldn't think that the (Y/N) can read me as if she/he/they can read my mind.

     By the time the (F/C) (F/A) came back with the first aid, she/he/they sat by me to begin tending my wounds, "I was worried, you normally come back by eight..", she/he/they admit and I kiss her/his/their forehead. "I figured, I'm sorry" "Don't be, you were only doing what's right", (Y/N) smiles finishing up and pecking my cheek. 

     Feeling drained, I pull the (F/A) close in for a cuddle. (Y/N) never fails to make me feel better, but how long was she/he/they stayed up? Looking at the time, it was past midnight, way past our usual sleep schedule. It was then I got a text from Rouge; 'General contacted me, he's giving you the week off. Next time don't work too hard 'kay Shadow? Sleep well, damn, I knew he'd find out. 

"Hm?", I hummed hearing light snoring. (Y/N)'s fast asleep, I couldn't help but smile and put my phone on the table to wrap my arms around the (F/A). Pecking her/his/their head one more time, I whisper before drifting to sleep

"You're too good for me, sweet dreams (Y/N) ♥️"

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