❄️ Part 3: Shadow X Ice manipulation! Reader ❄️

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❖ (Y/N) - Your name

❖ (F/A) - Favorite animal

❖ (F/C) - Favorite Color

❖ (E/C) - Eye color

❖ (G/E/C) - Glowing eyes color

❖ Its almost the end, just as Sonic informs Shadow to go after you while he, Silver, and Tails fend off the Snow Golem with no obligations. Can Shadow bring you back before the Egg-Carrier arrives? We shall see...

❖ AN: this is the final part to this oneshot uvu I really hope you guys like it.


~Shadow's P.O.V.~

     ...Rushing to the front doors of (Y/N)'s castle, I look behind to see one of Eggman's Egg-Carriers. What business does he have with (Y/N)? That I will deal with later; for now, I need to get to (Y/N). Opening the frosted doors, I witness what was inside. It's beautiful, even though its made out of ice, it looks as if it's more like its made out of crystals. Much more enchanting than a winter wonderland. Walking up the blue iced stairs, I ready myself. I can only imagine the trouble she/he/they are going through if those Egg-Spawns crashed through her/his/their castle.

Opening the doors on the top floor, I witnessed (Y/N), in different apparel surrounded by the chaos that I have seen earlier. Seeing (Y/N), in such glistening wear, I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat. "S-Shadow!" (Y/N) stood to perk her/his/their ears up in awareness. "(Y/N) listen-" "No, you don't have to apologize. But you should probably go. Please", (Y/N) said, fiddling her/his/their hands. Is she/he/their scared of coming back?

"But, I just got here (Y/N)," I said, taking small baby steps, but every step I took makes her/him/them step away from me. "Y-You belong in Soleanna Shadow..." "And so do you (Y/N)" "No, I don't Shadow, I belong here, alone. Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody," Just as I was about to say something, Tails rushed in. "Shadow!" "Tails." "The Egg-Carrier just landed!"

I look at (Y/N), she/he/they look more scared. "(Y/N) we can go back, and we can start all over. You don't have to be afraid anymore," I said, holding out my hand. (Y/N) gasps, did I accidentally gave her/him/them a flashback?

"N-No, we can't, goodbye Shadow," She/He/They said, turning her/his/their back, walking away. 

"(Y/N) wait-" 

"No, I'm just trying to protect you."

 "You don't have to; I'm not afraid.

 We can head down this mountain together, 

you don't have to live in fear!"

🎵"Shadow, Please go back home,

your life awaits. Go enjoy the Sun

and go open up the gates."🎵


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