🤑 Scourge the hedgehog X Bad! Scarred! Punk! Reader 🤑

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(F/A) - fav animal

(Y/N) - your name


❖Your a Bad Punk mobian having scars on some/one of your body parts smoking in the alleyway


~ Scourge's P.O.V. ~

Damn that women, Fiona cheated on me again with another street rat, she even said she'll won't cheat on me again! I'm done, I kicked her out of my apartment not giving a damn at all after I packed all her shit but I didn't give her stuff back oh no, I burned it all up in a pile of flames, even the pictures we had together. Whatever, I'll get even more trouble like usual if I go meet other girls so I went out to smoke at my favorite place - Satan's Kitchen, where sinners like me or that slut, Fiona go and do even more bad stuff like uh, stealing, intense sexual intercourses or murder. But, instead, these crimes are way more extreme which is fine by me but if you wanna be "bad to the bone"? then this is the place for you.

As I walked around I sat on the metal garbage cans getting out some cigarettes, but just when I get out my lighter it was all out of fluid. "damn..." "should've bought 'nother lighter~", I turned to my side and see an (F/A) mobian snickering at me, "tsk, and who are you s'pose to be brat..." "that ain't very nice, you just met me~ but, I'll let it slide~ name's (Y/N) hot-stuff~", I blush softly from her/him/them calling me that, I shouldn't be blushing but for some reason this mobian is special in my eyes. "not gon' tell me your name greeny?~" "...one, my name is Scourge and two, quit being annoying", I said avoiding my feelings, I feel really weird though, why was I blushing? and why should I tell this (F/A) my name, she/he/they'll use be just like how Fiona did.

"here, I don't need it, I don't even smoke cigs~", (Y/N) said getting out a vape, "much obliged...", I lit up my cig pondering with many questions that I still don't have answers to...

~ 3:25 am ~

...I've been out here for nearly four hours bored as hell, but then I saw the club, "Lucifer's Casino" huh? wonder what the place is like, as I got there halfway (Y/N) stopped me, "wouldn't go there if I were you, Scourge, many went through literal hell when they got inside" "how would you know...", I said but then when she/he/they look away sadly I felt bad, did something happen? I don't know why I thought of that but then I look at the casino again, so I decided not to go knowing she/he/they would be uncomfortable and head home sleeping alone...


~ Your P.O.V. ~

~ 4 months later ~

What is wrong with me?! first I flirted, then I gave him my lighter when we first met and now we're heading to the Casino!!! It's all so bizarre but in all honesty, Scourge looks hot, like hot HOT~ his shark jaws, bad attitude, even his appearance made him handsome. I didn't want to go mainly because of my Ex, Lucifer, we were one of the worst duos as in the perfect couple in Satan's Kitchen, I was like one of the worst of the worst villains and he's the demonic mastermind with ironically in his name he has the powers of doing satanic things, but when I found out that he had many affairs with other mobians behind my back, I just had to be ticked off and led it all to chaos, I was only a prince's whore, I never wanted to see him again, if I did who knows what'd he'll do. It may end my life, but for now, I think I'm safe with Scourge.

As we head inside and chill at the bar, I ordered the strongest drink the bartender gotten and Scourge with a glass bottle of beer. "So, You didn't answer my question...", I motion the employee to go away since he knew me so well and I told Scourge the whole story in which led him to shock but also sentimental...

...All to be interrupted by a certain someone, "Hello my dear sweet (Y/N)~", Lucifer, god I hate him so. "what'd you want..." "Aw c'mon you know what I want~" "If you think I'm coming back then you better get your head on straight...", he gave me a sneer and a look of anger, "What...", Lucifer said about to slap me but instead Scourge stopped him but he looks drunk, really drunk, I was about to drink but it looks like Scourge beat me to it, he can't be this lightweight is he? He drank like what 10 bottles of beer when I told him my story!

"l-lissen heer man...i-if (y-Y/N) d-dun wanna b-bee wit chuu agan d-den you s-should fuccch uff-...!!!" "I'm sorry about him, we'll be leaving", I left and take him to my place to take him to bed, I hope nothing happens, everyone knows that bringing in a drunk guy in your house can lead to trouble...

~ 7:30 am ~

ugh what happened, all I remembered is taking Scourge out of the Casino because there was a fight going on around Scourge and Lucifer and now I have a pounding headache. As I sat up I was ALL nude, but who-!....no...NO, WHY DID I FUCK SCOURGE?! but, I want more... "hmm? (Y/N)? ugh what happened, and why are you-! oh, my moebian I'm so sorry..." "Sc-Scourge...?", he's being overdramatic again, "GOD IM SO SORRY I DIDNT WANT THIS TO HAPPENED I WANTED TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH YOU CHANGED ME AND-" "SCOURGE!!!", I screamed and he snapped at me only leading to him being kissed by me, I can feel him kiss back holding me close, I guess what he said last night...

"*pant* (y-Y/N)...I-I love you s-so much...*ha* I-I d-didn't think y-you let me d-do this...*pant* p-please d-don't leave me...n-not again..."

...as we pulled away I said this which made him blush redder than his sunglasses...

"...Do it again..."

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