🌺 Mighty X Male! Gardener! Sweet! Reader 🌺

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/A) - fav animal

❖ (F/C) - fav color

❖ Requested by QueenxOfxRats


🌺 Mighty's P.O.V. 🌺

Gosh, he's so pretty.

     (Y/N) just bought some new flowers from the botanical shop nearby, not far from his house. As I watch him through the window, washing some dishes while the (F/A) is busy tending to his garden. I hear some very hard knocks against the front door, as well as some doorknob jiggling. Something's not right, obviously, but it could be just some hooligans trying to get a ransom from the weak. It's making my blood boil from the thought, even more so when I imagine (Y/N) in that situation. Quickly putting the clean dishes away, I walk up to the door and open it. 

"Hey! Outta the way man!" "What should we do boss man?", one follows after the other and a tall mobian walks up to me, looking down with a toothy smirk. I wasn't even aware that I was cracking my knuckles and tilting my head from side to side, hearing a couple of pops. I wasn't intimidated but for (Y/N)? This became personal. "Heh~ Think you tough lil' man?~", the leader said exposing his claws and attacking first. But, I caught it without even moving a single step.

     Twisting his hand, I step away from the front door and closed it behind me without even losing eye contact

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     Twisting his hand, I step away from the front door and closed it behind me without even losing eye contact. He was sweating bullets, his whole confidence was completely gone. "Where's all that confident go huh..", I said in a low growl and pull the bastard, grabbing his face and pummeling him to the ground. It wasn't long until his loonies start attacking me all at once, leading from one thing to another.

In the end, I grabbed the leader in a tight hold while his goons coward away, glaring into his very soul with slit eyes in a threatening voice that I never thought I'd have. "Don't come back. Ever" S-sure! w-whatever ya want a man! j-just don't h-hurt me!", I hear the coward plead out and I let him go, scrambling and tripping over his footing. Standing up carefully, I hiss in pain from the injuries those guys landed. I should check up on (Y/N), he probably heard the whole commotion. 

     Before I even enter the house, I saw (Y/N) entering the house and heading upstairs. He's done so much, I'm sure he's probably going to clean up. Entering his garden, I grabbed his watering can and watered the whole garden. Or at least I think so.


🌺 (Y/N)'s P.O.V. 🌺

     Humming a soft tune, I walked outside to my lovely garden to meet Mighty out here watering the flowers in my garden. "Oh! Hello Mighty- Ah!", I yelped out seeing him all bruised up, he even has a black eye! "H-hey (Y/N)", Mighty said sheepishly with a toothy grin and scratches his nose, as I beckoned him to the garden bench to sit on I rushed to get the first aid and come back in a very worried tone. "What on Mobius happened?!", I asked in concern and I pulled out the cotton swab with a dab of acetone. 

"N-Nothing out of the ordinary, really" "This is more than out of the ordinary!", I said with a frown, patching his wounds. Looking up at him, his cheeks were flushed in a soft pink and his eyes darted around his surroundings. Letting out a soft sigh, I place an ice pack very softly and carefully. "you worry me sometimes y'know", I said and he looks my way holding the icepack as I turn to grab the gauze. "You're so nice and kind, that's honestly what I like about you-" "W-wha-!", I gasp out in a bright pink and we lock eye contact.

 "You're so nice and kind, that's honestly what I like about you-" "W-wha-!", I gasp out in a bright pink and we lock eye contact

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🌺 Third Person P.O.V. 🌺

     Mighty then lets out a groan into his palms, embarrassed, and is as red as a cherry tomato. "I'm so stupid", he mutters into his hands and he gets up standing in front of the now shocked (F/A) without turning around. "M-Mighty? Y-You know you can tell me anything right?", he said still embarrassed from the sudden outburst that the armadillo did. Mighty nods and turns around, facing the (F/A) still sitting on the garden bench.

"(Y/N), I-I want to confess my love for you. I want to b-because, I-I.I can't hide it anymore", Mighty admits and looks up at (Y/N), "I-...I like you. Not-Not in a friend way. B-but as like.. like- dammit", He curses at himself mentally for screwing up, trying to find the right words. He tries again, "(Y/N), there's not one single word that is big enough to describe how much you mean to me. When-When you smile, my whole world just lights up e-even when it's cloudy", he said and rubs his arm continuing, "I-I can't imagine a world without you, I-I love you", Mighty finishes.

     The (F/A), was on the brim of tears. Emotionally moved from Mighty's speech, how long has he kept these feelings from (Y/N)? Then (Y/N) stood up, walking up to the armadillo; who was looking down. The silence was excruciating, he expected a slap coming at him right about now. But, it doesn't happen. It was then he felt a pull and a pair of soft pair of lips colliding into his own. Mighty can't help but melts and return the gesture before pulling away, "I love you too Mighty, more than anything", (Y/N) said and the two shares another kiss.

"I still need to patch you up though"

"Haha, (Y/N), seeing you already cured my injuries" ♥️

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