💎 Rouge X Gemstone!reader 💎

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(F/A) - fav animal

(F/G/S) - fav gemstone

(D/C) - Diamond color

(Y/N) - your name

❖ slight crossover between Sonic and Steven Universe

❖ Your an escapee from Homeworld, a former prisoner born by a mobian and a gem who birth you many years ago and tries to find help


~ Your P.O.V. ~

I gotta find help! they can't find me! they just can't! I'm an (F/G/S) mobian hybrid, I escaped from the lab at Homeworld to prevent further tests on me, life was horrible at the lab, it was nothing but torture,as ordered by (D/C) Diamond; MY diamond, but now I put that all behind me as I just landed on a planet for a new start in life. What I don't realize is that this planet or "Earth" has some kindred history, which I rather not discover at all. 

As I remove the transmitter from me and the ship I venture out into the forest, I thought I'm in the city but as I look back I discovered I'm on a floating island, just seeing the view below me just gives me more questions, as I got deeper in the forest I see a shrine with a HUGE green gem! its glowing too! like it's trying to form a body! maybe they can help!I ran to the gemstone trying to help the poor giant glowing crystal, but the more I help the more I realized that this isn't one of "those" kind of gems which saddens me more so I sat near the gem bawling my eyes out softly being all alone. I don't wanna be here anymore...

Until I hear footsteps crushing the fallen leaves, making me shot my head up in not only fear but also anxiety. Are they from homeworld? are they gonna hurt me? what are they gonna do to me? a million more questions clouded my mind so I got in fighting position summoning my (any kind of weapon) from my (body part) ready to fight, even if they aren't from homeworld, I'm not going back inside a cell.


~ Rouge P.O.V. ~

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, first I was stealing the chaos emeralds, then knucklehead caught me forcing me to bring them back, and now I'm seeing a LIVING GEMSTONE right in front of my eyes! But the gemstone is also an (F/A), which I thought would be impossible unless a mobian like me bred an alien, which is a possibility, there were some relics about a gem falling in love with a mobian, is this their child that was imprinted on the ancient walls?

I have so many questions that I didn't realize that the (F/A) summoned her/his/their (any kind of weapon) out of their gemstone, an (F/G/S), out of their (body part). "HEY! what'cha doin' to the master emerald!?", the gullible echidna said attacking the mobian hybrid But I prevent that from happening by hitting the back of his head a hard as I could before he does anything stupid and worth regretting, "OWW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" "For being an idiot!! hey it's ok, we meant no harm...", she/he/they backed away after I said that in disbelief so I did what I think is best, set up camp and ready the fire. This is gonna be a long day..


~ After setting up camp... ~

They don't seem to be moving, she/he/they still looked cautious about everything, at least she/he/they are not attacking us anymore. When Knuckles ignite the firewood the (F/A) hiss and hid behind me, this must be her/his/their first time being here in Mobius, "Woah hey it's ok its just fire it's not gonna hurt you", I said giving a soft smile and she/he/they hold her/his/their hand out to it testing that herself, "It's warm...", the (F/G/S) stated but I was too distracted by her/his/their glimmering gemstone wedge onto thier (body part). 

"Um hey, you look hungry, wanna make smores?", I said also getting hungry myself while Knuckles get some more wood, "what are smores?" "smores is like...here how about I show you", I said smiling making some smores," by the way, I'm Rouge~ Rouge the bat~whats your name?" " facet-#### cut-####", that's her/his/their name? sounds complex to remember, "uh how about I call you (Y/N)?" "(Y/N), I like it!", she/he/their squealed softly with excitement. In all honesty, she/he/they are kinda cute for a gemstone mobian.

When I made about half a dozen smores, Knuckles came back with the wood and put some in the fire before I serve him and (Y/N) some smores and hot choco, the gemstone mobian was skeptical at first but when I showed her/him/them how to 'eat' it, her/his/their face lit up like she/he/they just saw heaven.


~ your P.O.V. ~

MY DIAMOND!~ THIS SMORE TASTE AMAZING!~ EVEN THE HOT CHOCO TASTE EXTRAORDINARY!~ wish everyone at homeworld would try it, instead of destroying planets to create more worlds for their needs, but it's not their fault, they're only doing as they are told. When Rouge and Knuckles sat back and hear my stories I experienced back at homeworld...

"NO PLEASE JUST LET ME GO! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You are merely just a weak little abomination..."


"You deserved to be shattered by my own two hands..."

..."(Y/N)? (Y/N)! hey! snap out of it!" "huh?", I spoke in a slightly croaked voice like I've been crying, "you ok? hey I know it's tough but that's all in the past, you got us now and we're gonna do anyway we can to help you!", knuckles exclaimed and I smiled. "*yawn* what a night! gotta get some rest for the morning~", Rouge said stretching in her extra "pjs" she so calls them after handing me night clothes, "hey if that happened again your more than welcome to sleep in my tent" "I'd love that Rouge, thank you.", I said getting inside with Rouge falling asleep...

...dreaming nothing but happy memories


uuuuuugh im so bad at this qwq, but then again this a slight crossover between sonic and SU so please bear with me as I finish this first crossover chapter. SEEYA!~

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