☾ Mephiles X Witch! Reader ☾

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(Y/N) - your name

(F/A) - favorite animal

(C/N) - cat's name

❖ you are a witch, flying on a broomstick heading home in the middle of the night from collecting gemstones and natural witchy ingredients until you met a mysterious person in your home.


~ Your P.O.V. ~

As I was flying home I rest on my broomstick laying my back enjoying the stars above me, "mmm it is so good to fly again~ don't you think (C/N)?~" "As long as you don't drop me (Y/N)", I laugh at his/her response petting his/her head gently. But then I saw a glimpse of a black hedgehog, it's not Shadow that's for certain because this black hedgehog has grey stripes with a tint of a green undertone, not only that but I don't see its shadow, like not a single shadow reflection at all! Who is that? I don't know, I landed extremely softly and I turn to (C/N), "stay here ok? I'll be back", (C/N) nodded as I head off following the mysterious person.

As I follow the black hedgehog deeper in the city he walked passed by the mirror shop and what I saw almost scared me but questioned in curiosity, his reflection is himself but...Crystallized, crystals ranging from light blue and a very deep purple, his eyes are what threw me off though cause in a blink of an eye he was gone, "where'd he go?", I said looking around confused but then whistled my broom to my location and flew back home, as I turn back there he was again staring at me, I can almost hear him saying something to me telepathically, I think he said...

"...W e  w i l l  m e e t  a g a i n..."

So that means we'll meet again someday, I don't know when but the more I think about it the more I get a bit frightened, don't get me wrong fear is sometimes handy for certain events but this is different. This is a certain event that you just saw them for the first time in your life but discovering their true self by looking at the mirror, it is like your finding a ghost and you can almost only find them through a mirror. But for now, I wanna make chamomile tea, sleep and ready my shop in the morning.


~ Next day ~

~ Mephiles P.O.V. ~

As I was walking in the city pondering ever still why Sonic pity me and give me mercy, my own mind was clouded by that girl/boy/(F/A) I saw last night, I could easily tell that she/he/they are a witch, flying broomstick, a feline pet, even her/his/their own clothing. While I was on my stroll I stopped by a rather intriguing store, there were herbs and candles, crystals galore and what-not, even pieces of jewelry that may have some special powers. When I entered the same similar feline shot up and scurried somewhere else, I question that cat might know something that I don't know but as I was looking around I sense some familiar chaotic presence, 'does the owner have chaos emeralds??', I thought to myself before interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hi!~ welcome to my shop, do you need anythi-*gasps*", she/he/they gasped dropping her books in shock, no surprises though it is unfortunate that this living mobian didn't bother running for her/his/their life. "so you're the witch that followed me...I deeply apologize for scaring you~", I said taking her/his/their hand "kissing" the back of the mobian (F/A) hand, why was I romantic all of the sudden? it can't be that I like a living mobian, right? No, it can't be, I am Mephiles the Dark, IM THE ONE WHO KILLED SONIC AND FRAGMENTED TIME AND SPACE. *ahem* Anyways, after my sudden actions she/he/they spoke again, "u-uh no no i-it's no problem, although you are quite a mystery to me" "oh? pray tell...", she/he/they gulped guessing something is wrong.

"w-well you look like Shadow a bit, your shadow reflection isn't visible, a-and your reflection on the mirror-" "you saw my true self..." "...yeah", she/he/they said, this isn't possible, I thought I made sure my crystalized form was unnoticeable but I suppose that would explain why this mobian was off guard. But for now I need to change conversations before this living creature gets deeper into my personality, "How rude of me~ we just met and I didn't introduce myself~ I, am Mephiles~" "c-charmed, I'm (Y/N) (F/A)", she/he/they answered. Good god Iblis what is this feeling? If only your still alive then you can tell me what this is...Wait, I remembered what it is...

- Flashback -

"Why didn't you kill me...?"

"Because you don't deserve to die Mephiles, you deserve more..."

"I don't want your pity you blue hedgehog...!"

"Take my hand Mephiles"

"what is this fuzzy feeling..."

"It's called love"

..."Mephiles? you ok", the (F/A) mobian called making me snap back to reality, "...I'm fine" "No your not...c'mon I'll make you some tea", she/he/they said dragging me to her/his/their living room, I want to refuse her/his/their hospitality but at the same time I don't want to. While (Y/N) brew some tea we talked about our histories, she/he/they even showed me some witchcraft spells on a single mouse that was roaming about, which is quite impressive...


~ Months later ~

...I finally understand what love is, even though it is a bit confusing and strange, but this feeling was stronger when I'm around (Y/N), in which I haven't seen in 2 whole weeks, which is quite concerning. (C/N) doesn't know where she/he/they went, (Y/N) didn't even leave a message like she/he/they usually do when she/he/they are gone this long, but then I hear sounds, witchcraft sounds, it has to be (Y/N). As I rushed there I stopped watching what shocks me, it was (Y/N) protecting a few floating bags of stolen gold, pieces of jewelry, and gemstones from Sonic and his two other friends. I already knew that (Y/N) steals but I didn't know she/he/they fight against Sonic to keep the goods for survival. I have to help her/him/them before things got worse, as I teleport them Sonic stops me, "Mephiles?! thank mobius your here! help me take her/him/them down!" "No...", I said and Sonic turned to me in shock, "but those are goods she/he/they stole from Elise!", I didn't listen, I couldn't control my anger as I raised my whole arm to strike him like last time but something happened...

...I felt arms around me, "Don't do it!", is that (Y/N)? But she was attacked! "put your arm down Mephiles, it's gonna be ok, just don't hurt Sonic...", she/he/they said, I look up seeing Sonic in shock as I lowered my arm to give the witch the same embrace she/he/they give me. Turns out the bag has Dr.Eggman symbol and was filled with the seven chaos emeralds, she was trying to get them back to where it rightfully belongs. After when that is out of the way, we head deep into the dark forest, the perfect place to give my confessions, "(Y/N)...I need to tell you something..." "lay it on me Meph~", I chuckled at her/his/their response and I held her/hid/their hands staring deep into her/his/their glowing eyes...

"...Will you be the light for this dark god...?"

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