💙 Sonic X Color Blind! Reader Pt. 1 💙

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(F/A) - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

(E/C) - Eye color

(F/C) - Favorite Color

❖ Note: I'm not color blind, but I made this because there's probably not a single one-shot that has the reader color blind. Thus, I made this chapter. This is a two-parter story, but both will be right next to each other just like the SHadow X Ice manipulation! Reader story (Which is a three-part story). So that when you finish one part of the story, you can read the next in the next chapter. Enjoy!


💙 Sonic's P.O.V. 💙

     "Thanks again for making these Tails!" "Anytime Sonic!", I hear Tails call out as I sped away from his workshop. I've been waiting for months to pick up the gift that I asked Tails to make, and this gift was a very special set of glasses for (Y/N). These pairs will help anyone who is colorblind, would see a burst of color rather than seeing a world of grey. And while I don't know how long (Y/N) have been colorblind, I do know that it has been long overdue.

Tonight, I'm taking (Y/N) the (F/A) out on a special date to see an upcoming celebration at Soleanna. At first, I thought about bringing her/him/them to the wisp planets but unfortunately, the transportation to those planets is still in shambles and is yet to be repaired. OH well, next time I'll take her/him/them there. 

     As I mentioned, (Y/N) is colorblind. But, she/he/they have trained her/him/them-self to learn which greyscale is the correct color. While they know what color is which, she/he/they've never seen actual colors in person. So this is her/his/their chance to see that experience, she/he/they don't have to see use the glasses all the time, of course, I'll still love her/him/them no matter what.

When I got to the house I share with my favorite (F/A), I put my present in my bag that is full of supplies for the trip to the 'City of Water. Smiling, I then hear the doorknob jiggle and speed downstairs, picking up the now laughing (F/A) with a big smile. "Hahaha! Sonic! put me down, you dork!" "I'm your dork though~", I said peppering her/his/their face with kisses. "YOu darn right you are~", she/he/they replied as I put her/him/them down.


💙 Y/N's P.O.V. 💙

     Oh, Sonic, ever the charmer. As I take off my jacket and shoes, I rest with the blue speedster on the couch, passing my fingers through his quills. I made sure not to prick myself on his spikes this time, I've learned my lesson but I can't help it. His quills in my eyes are a dark shade of grey, but not too dark like Shadow's quills, and it's not as light as Silver's quills. Sonic's quills have to be some sort of royalty color, maybe a royal purple or a dark shade of blue. 

But, the biggest mystery is his eyes. I can never figure out what color those grey orbs are, Sonic's eyes are kinda the same grey shade as his quills and his shoes. It wasn't long until I hear SOnic speak, breaking my trance and bringing me back to reality. "Your thinking about my eyes again (Y/N)?" "I can't help it, I want to know what color they are but it's so hard to find out what color is which", I admit and Sonic nods in agreement. 

     Sonic recently tried out Tails' and Sally's demonstration on what colorblind mobiles and humans can see, it was really funny, to be honest. "Well, you'll figure it out sooner or later" "Can I get a hint? Please?" I beg giving Sonic puppy eyes, and he rolls his eyes smiling. "I gave a hint doll", he said reminding me. POuting he laughs and pulls me close, he gave me a hint a few weeks ago. 

'My eyes are the same colors as one of the chaos emeralds'

That was his hint, and while Knuckles did help me on which colors are which on the chaos emerald. Finding the same color as one of the seven chaos is harder than you think. If I'm correct, four or three out of the seven have the same shade of grey. So it can be any one of the four or three gems, and I don't think Sonic is going to spill the beans anytime soon. "Hey (Y/N), how's about we go on one more travel before summer ends?~", he said revealing a brochure of the upcoming 'Festival of the Sun' at Soleanna.

     My eyes widen, "But, Iblis and Mephiles don't exist anymore" "Yeah but the people there, as well as the Princess, agreed that even though the two are gone, doesn't mean they'll stop celebrating the flame", Sonic said, telling the news. Reading through the pamphlet, my thoughts turn to the memories I had with the whole team during Mephiles' plans. And while no one knows what happened to the mysterious being, I felt as if he did all this to show the world that the dark also deserves the same amount of praise as the light. Otherwise, there'd be no balance. 

"I feel like you planned this for months", I said and he smirks, "You know I don't like staying in one place~," he said scratching his nose. I shook my head, even though we stayed at home there are times we travel almost every other day. It's nice because we get to make memories together, even when there's evil afoot. 

"When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning 💙" 

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