.:||🎄 Christmas Special: Scourge x Reader 🎄 ||:.

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/C) - Favorite color

❖ (E/C) - eye color

❖ (F/A) - Favorite animal

❖ (C/N) - Cat's name

❖ (F/SH/SV) - Favorite superhero/supervillain (like Batman and Joker)

❖ Your in Sonic's Christmas/sleepover party but there's something suspicious about Scourge, is he your Secret Santa?

WARNING: Mentions of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and a sad moment that may trigger someone (I'm serious I cried writing that part down qq), viewers discretion is advised.


.:|| Scourge's P.O.V. ||:.

    Good Moebius (Y/N) looks hot in that getup~ As I made my way to her/him/them, I noticed a glare from Rouge, guess it's a warning to back off, but too bad~ I know I lacks a number of Sonic's more refined qualities, respect on women, and me always attempting to satisfy my desires by shamelessly going after several females at once. But, that's all behind me~ 

Now that I think about it, I once found the first female partner that I have ever come close to having genuine feelings for. Most of the girls I liked on Anti-Mobius were of a dark nature from the very beginning, but with (Y/N), that all changed. Every time I communicate with (Y/N), whether on mobile devices, in real life, or with the others. I conclude that those genuine feelings I lost in the past are coming back me since I first met her/him/them! I didn't think I'd be into good girls this much, ah well, all this talk about my past and conspiracy theories on my feelings are giving me a migraine.

     Plopping myself on the couch between (Y/N) and Rouge, the (F/C) (F/A) exclaims at me with a cute pouty face, "Scourge! You made me lose! >M< I challenge you to a duel as revenge! wait do you even play video games at Moebius?" "Don't worry babe, I'm a gamer, so you can trust me to be good with my fingers~," I flirt at her/him/them and her/his/their cheeks burst in a deep reddish color. "AH don't say it like that!!! >///<", she/he/they exclaimed making me laugh. "god your too cute~" "*mumbles into a pillow* you tease...", I hear her/him/them mumbled out still red as a tomato. During our final round, Amy comes in and (Y/N) pauses the game for a minute, "Lemme guess, another package from the secret Santa?" "Eeyup feels heavy too", Amy confirms handing the package to her/him/them, lately I've been sending packets to (Y/N) since the 1st, it's nothing fancy just a few women stuff that was only available during an event before it's gone from existence, which is a pain in the neck, either that or I just get them merchandise of her/his/their favorite superhero/villain. 

"Woah!~ how'd they know (F/SH/SV) is my favorite superhero/villain?!~", I hear her/him/them exclaimed in utter happiness, I got her a plush doll of (F/SH/SV), I've seen her/him/them fangirling over that character and I thought maybe I should get her/him/them that since she/he/they didn't get that doll yet. "Sure seems the guy's a creep now that I think about it..." "Yeah, maybe but it's (F/SH/SV) for crying out loud!~", god, I can't deal with her/his/their childish demeanor, it's too cute for me to handle. 

"Say you wanna continue or are ya just gonna chicken out and allow me to claim my victory?~", I said, and with that, we got back to our game against each other, but more intense this time, guess I touched a nerve~ Good, I don't want her/him/them to get more suspicious on who's her/his/their secret Santa yet. Hours later, everyone went to bed, but I stayed up outside the balcony smoking and drinking my life away, I still didn't want to admit that I regret all the horrible deeds, the loss of my father, and leaving my family, but I do.

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