🦎 Espio x Reader 🦎

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(Y/N) - your name

(F/A) - favorite animal

❖ You are the new addition to the Chaotix Detective Agency and had some fun with Team Chaotix


~ Your P.O.V. ~

My name is (Y/N) the (F/A), I used to be a village girl back in my hometown until I moved out living in the big cities of Mobius, a few days later I was looking for a job to pay bills and what-not on the newspaper, cooking? no, employment at shops? no, I couldn't even sit still for one minute, Detective work? hmm, guess I can do that. As I dial the phone number to contact The "Chaotix Detective Agency", I made myself a cup of coffee while I wait. "Hello, You're calling the Chaotix Detective Agency! how can we help you?" "Hello? yes, I'm here for the job employment?" "Sure thing! what time you wanna meet up?", The guy said on the phone, he sounds like a gator a little, I look at the clock to see what time it is, 30 minutes before noon. "How do 10 minutes before noon sounds?" "Sure! we'll add it as an appointment! see you then!", he said as he hung up, I immediately took a shower, fixing my hair/quills and changed into proper items of clothing but also comfortable. 

As I ran out the door with my small bookbag, keys, and other important objects, I locked my door and called a cab, thankfully I found one and gave the driver my address, "Chaotix Detective Agency, please!" "you got it ma'am!", the driver said stepping on it knowing I have no more time to lose, I just hope I'm not too late...

~ 4 minutes later ~

Geez, who knew the streets are empty at this time, thankfully I was there just in time, just 2 minutes left. Better early than sorry, "Thank you so much, here keep the change!~" "You don't have to please enjoy yourself! see ya!" "Bye!", I said heading into the building, I was kinda expecting the building to be bigger but I guess they like their job secretly so it was just a small house which is clearly understandable, as I rung the bell the speaker blares, "who is it?" "Hi, it's me" "Oh! come in! mind the latch", he said in a different voice, just when I open the door I was let us say attacked by a flying child, "HI!WHATSYOURNAME?WHATSTHATONYOURBACK?YOURSOPRETTY!WANNAPLAY?MYNAMESCHARMYANDI- *muffles*" "I am so sorry about him, he just gets so excited meeting new people..", the tall crocodile said, "n-no no it's fine!" "anyways come we'll discuss your job reservations", he said leading me to his office leaving a very angry bee that I can't help but chuckle very softly at his cute pouty face. "sit please, my names Vector, whats yours?" " (Y/N) the (F/A) sir"...


~ Espio's P.O.V. ~

"Ugh I told you to behave yourself when guests arrive" "sorry Espio, I just wanna say hi", he said making a guilty face, though I can't blame him, that (F/A) is kinda cute that I too want to greet him/her/them. "hey don't be like that, how about you make it up to them by making some sweets? I'll even help", I said and his face lit up, "really?! YAY!!!" "just don't make a mess when you get the ingredients" "O-K!", Charmy said as he buzzes away in pure happiness. While I was picking up I picked up his toys putting them away, I hear laughter in Vector's office, so when I put the toys away I camouflage spying on them, it was Vector and that (F/A) laughing. What I didn't notice was the (F/A) beauty, she/he/they're as beautiful as a cherry blossom. Just as they shook hands I immediately ran back cleaning up not noticing my scales we're a bright pink, "It's so good to have another member of the Chaotix family! YO! Charmy! where you at?!" "BUSY!!!" "hey Espio! come meet our new member!" "s-sure", oh great I stutter. "Hi I-i'm Espio, you must be (Y/N)", I said holding out my hand, "yes I am, but Vector didn't tell me your all tickled-pink", she/he/they giggled when she stopped shaking my hand. "UUUH", I said in embarrassment fixing myself. "um Charmy's in the kitchen getting some ingredients, w-wanna help?" "sure!", she/he/they said.

 ~ At the Kitchen ~

As we entered the kitchen, I was shocked that Charmy didn't make a single mess, "HI I'm Charmy! sorry about earlier" "it's no problem, say you need help?" "SURE! weee!", Charmy said dragging me and (Y/N) giving us aprons, as I put on my apron I watched (Y/N) putting their/her/his hair/quills in a ponytail/bun making me blush softly entranced. "Espio? you ok?" "UHH YEAH LET'S START", This is all so new to me, love is so strange but I never been this nervous around anyone before. 

As we mix the ingredients for the first batch, (Y/N) was helping Charmy make the icing in a yellow honey color, she/he/they are so cute when she/he/they are focused. "Espioooo" "yes Charmy..?", I said as he pulls me close for me to hear him whisper, "do you have a crush on (Y/NNN)???" "WHA-", I burst in a bright pink color again and I hear giggles, "you ok Espio?" "Uuuh y-yeah i-im f-fine", I said ignoring Charmy and Vector snickering, I know they're gonna do something so I gave them a death glare making them run laughing. "So a-anyways, what brings you to work in Chaotix?" "Well, this place is more interesting than other jobs, plus I sometimes do some detective work myself but only once in a while" "ah understandable"

~ 30 minutes later ~

As we were heading back to the oven talking over some relatable stuff, the oven was off, but then we both slipped on something greasy. "AH!", we both said I unison falling with her on top of me blushing hard. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn-!!", I said as we hear laughter and a flash as Charmy and Vector laughed I chased after them for their childish behavior but I was stopped by (Y/N) calming me down. 


~ Midnight~

~ Your P.O.V. ~

After having fun with Espio, Vector, and Charmy, It was time for me to go, "well it's been fun but I gotta head home" "aww do you have tooo?", I hear Charmy said a bit sad, "yes but don't worry I'll come back tomorrow! and hopefully, we get a phone call for a mission" "I can take you home if you want", Espio said, "I loved that" "well call us if anything, and if we get a call I'll send Espio to come get you!", Vector said winking at Espio, what's that wink for? As me and Espio exit, I waved at the other two, "so how we get to my place?" "I'll show you", Espio said picking me up bridal style making me gasps running off with me in his arms, for a very bashful chameleon he's very charming and strong unlike the men at my hometown who always tries to impress me by flexing their biceps and such. ugh, just being reminded of that memory makes me puke mentally.

As he takes me home he puts me down softly, "hope you enjoyed the ride, it's a pleasure meeting you (Y/N)" "wait!" "hm?", he turned in confusion I gave him my phone number and kissed his horn, "same time tomorrow?", I said to the now flustered chameleon with now pink scales, "y-yeah sure", he said running off on the rooftops with his heart-shaped coiled tail. I chuckled as I enter my house from Espio's cuteness, as I was ready to fall asleep in my PJs after my shower I get a text from my scaley ninja crush...

"Hello my cherry blossom~🌸💘"

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