🌷Rosy the Rascal X Poisonous!SERIOUSLY deadly!flirtatious!Reader🌷

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/A) - Favourite animal

❖ (F/D) - Favorite drink

❖ (F/F) - Favorite food

❖ (F/C) - Favorite color

❖ you are a new member of the Suppression Squad as the "Master of poison" after when you retired being a member of the Destructix


~ Your P.O.V. ~

After packing my stuff such as my gears, pictures, and my necessities, I put on my usual attire. It's all rubbery but it prevents me from even touching my good friends in a gang I've known and loved for so long - the Destructix, there were some ups and downs at first glance but they're actually family. After taking two last photos, one for me and the rest to keep and remember I sent my farewells and rode off to the location of the Suppression Squad, it can't be that bad right? I know Scourge but that was when I was in the no zone helping Scourge and a couple of others escape out of that hellhole back to their original homes, including Anti-Mobius, or in which this case Scourge calls it Moebius.

As I got to my destination jumping through the ring-like portal with my car/motorcycle, I took a quick glance at Moebius it was already midnight and it's...clean? then again this IS the opposite version of Mobius so I guess this is normal, I can't cause havoc now, well not too much I suppose. When I got off my car/motorcycle I destroyed the portal and I collected my stuff before setting the vehicle on fire, letting it burst into flames and explode from the massive amount of gasoline I "accidentally" spilled. This made all of Moebius go in a panic, they're even stupid enough to investigate as I made my way through the city in a holographic disguise with no problem!

When I got to my destination, I kick the door three times just to get an immediate answer...

"Who's there!!", I recognized the voice immediately, it is obviously Boomer, so I pulled down my sunglasses and he gasps in fear opening the door yelling, "SCOURGE!!!" "Ugh! stop yelling!!", the green colored snot said and widens his eyes seeing me. I'm guessing he didn't realize I arrived so early, "o-oh it's you! sorry about that! come I'll take you to your designated place! uh, Fiona ready the (F/D), PATCH! go steal some (F/F)!", he screamed and the two immediately left, he can already tell I can "smell" his fear, this is gonna be a long day...


~ Rosy's P.O.V. ~

What is all this screaming about, I really hope it's my Scourgey-wourgey breaking up with Fiona!~ I know him longer than the red skank does! what does he see in her? When I got downstairs Fiona and Patch zipped passed me, but what shocked me was their fearful expressions, what in Moebius is going on? this is so unlikely of them, as well as long as Fiona stays away from Scourge~ Nows my chance to take what is mine!!~

As I made my way to the main room I see an (F/A) in rubbery attires placing her/his/their stuff on the lab table, shelves, even the walls! But then when I saw Scourge even HIS expression is filled with fear!! who is this (F/A)? Only one way to find out! "Scourgey!~ whos thaat?", he groaned face-palming his forehead, "Rosy, this is (Y/N), a new member of the Suppression Squad" "oo!~ Nice to meet you (Y/N)!~", as I was about to shake her/his/their bare hand  Scourge slapped my hand making me hiss, "Why you slap my hand?! I was just giving (Y/N) a handshake!!!", I exclaimed and Scourge takes me away, "I am so sorry about her (Y/N) she hasn't heard about you yet", I heard Scourge said making two sweat beads on his head and (Y/N) chuckles, "It's fine Snot-face, it's natural", (Y/N) said but also winked at me making me blush ignoring the annoyed green hedgehog but... why am I blushing? I can't simply fall in love with her/him/them, why didn't this feeling happened when I'm around Scourge? better yet, why didn't I felt this when I first MET Scourge?? a million questions pop up in my crazy mind that I wasn't paying attention to their conversation.

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