✰ Boyfriend! Sonic X Bf/Gf! Hardworking! Exhausted! Reader ✰

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(Y/N) - your name

(Y/J) - your Job (it doesn't have to be your real job)

(F/C) - Favorite color

(F/D) - Favorite drink

(E/C) - eye color

(F/A) - favorite animal

❖ You just got home but has a buttload of stuff to finish for your job. What will Sonic do?


~ Sonic's P.O.V. ~

    I was home with (Y/N) but she/he/they always have her/his/their eyes on the screen of her/his/their laptop screen. She's/he's/they've been busy ever since she/he/they got back from her/his/their job, she/he/they work as a (Y/J), I want to help but I don't wanna disturb her/him/them. Right now, she's/he's/they're in her/his/their room working on some unfinished business, and it's already 8 pm as well. It's too quiet, so I head upstairs to check up on her/him/them. And I witnessed the most adorable moment in my whole life, (Y/N) is knocked out, asleep in the middle of her/his/their work, surrounded with paper, writing utensils, there are even cans of (F/D) and cups of (F/D)...

 And I witnessed the most adorable moment in my whole life, (Y/N) is knocked out, asleep in the middle of her/his/their work, surrounded with paper, writing utensils, there are even cans of (F/D) and cups of (F/D)

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After I took a picture, I lay her/him/them down in bed, tucking her/him/them in and kissing her/his/their head

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...After I took a picture, I lay her/him/them down in bed, tucking her/him/them in and kissing her/his/their head. I really wanna help so I took a glance at her/his/their stuff, it's really complicated stuff, I can barely understand anything! so I put Tails and Amy in a group call with my mic on so that I don't wake (Y/N) up and explained everything to them. As we discussed I finished up (Y/N)'s important stuff and I organized everything in place, that was some tough crap, it's so complex for me, as my headache begins to stir even more painfully just by thinking about all the paperwork (Y/N) has done in her/his/their job, I thank Amy and Tails for their help before saying goodnight and hang up I took a quick shower and get in bed with (Y/N) all dried off and soft before I fell asleep holding my sweet (F/A) close from behind...


~ Your P.O.V. ~

- Sunrise, Saturday morning -

    ...I was woken up from the sun hitting my eyes, in all honesty, I'm glad the sun did that otherwise, I'd be asleep till dawn. I was so tired last night from all the work I have to finish that I let my exhaustion take control, as I turn myself I was greeted by Sonic, my sweet blue goofball. Wait a minute, oh Mobius my papers! as I carefully got out of bed I look at my desk, it's all finished, did Sonic do all of this? This was complex stuff! Geez now I felt bad, I gave so much attention to my work that I was just neglecting Sonic. I know I'll make it up to him! but first, a shower, the feeling of greasy hair/fur annoys me. After my shower, I went downstairs making some "Breakfast Dogs", which is actually (no really guys it taste so good omf qq) :


❥ 2 Slices Bacon

❥ 4 Hotdogs


❥ 1 Potato, Large

❥ 1 Tomato, Medium


❥ 4 Eggs

Oils & Vinegar:

❥ 1 Oil

Bread & Baked Goods:

❥ 4 Buns, toasted


❥ 1/4 cup Cheese, Grated

    ...As I finish cooking I set the food on a plate and I wash what I used before I take the food and two cups of coffee upstairs where Sonic still rests, I set the food and drinks on the bed table and I sat on the bedside kissing his cute ears. "mmm, morning...~" "Good morning Sonic, hey, thank you for being the best boyfriend and I'm sorry that I didn't give you that much attention...", I said and Sonic sits up holding me close.

 "You don't have to be sorry (Y/N), I know how important it is, that's why I didn't wanna bother you...", He said and I hug back stroking his blue quills softly. As we pulled away we begin to enjoy our morning delicacies, "Good Mobius I love your breakfast dogs!~", I hear Sonic said in happiness and I giggle softly. I learned that Sonic had some help, I wasn't shocked, of course, it was some pretty complex stuff. "Hey, how's 'bout we go out today? My treat for finishing my work without letting me know?~", I said in my casual wear and a small bag and he jumps out of bed picking me up dashing out the door leaving a locked house. "Ah! Sonic where are we going?!", I exclaimed and he answered...

... "We are going to a place and making it a date you will always remember~" 💙

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