🧡Tails "Miles" X Glasses wearing! Reader🧡

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(F/A) - fav animal

(Y/N) - your name

❖when the reader met Tails on a secret social media and in person. (YOUR BOTH KIDS THOUGH SO)

(Y/N) the (F/A), professional hacker, mechanic, and scientist working for the government as a secret, that's right, your working for the president himself as the eyes in the sky to make sure his people are safe from harm, even from supernatural villains that either wants to control the planet or destroy it. Today was one of your free times, ever since you created a robot who not only assist you but also does most of the work, not that you're lazy but doing this specific job can be boring and can lead to physical damage to your body especially the brain. 

Anyways, you were home not only working on some schematics investigation on Dr.Eggman's latest weapon he recently used but you are also on a secret website that can only be trusted to specific citizens that work for either the government or is fighting alongside the blue-clad, Sonic The Hedgehog who is also protecting the city, unprofessionally...

While you were on the website, someone or something has given you a friend request, you so badly wanting to hack into his account and find out his, her, or their identity you instead accept and start giving each other messages...:

✰ : ( You're made up username ) has entered the chat room :

✰ : TProwestBoy has entered the chat room :

✰ (Y/M/U/U) (your made up username) : hello 😌

✰ (Y/M/U/U): hello?


∼ Tails' P.O.V. ∼

I accidentally fell asleep on my own computer table, I was so tired from the recent attacks from Dr.Eggman that I sat on my chair and fell asleep after I sent a friend request on this secret social media the government the President given me access to, but it was then I heard a DING! the sound on my own computer, making me wake up and panic seeing the messages as I replied back instantly...:

✰ TProwestBoy: ah! sorry I fell asleep 😅

✰ (Y/M/U/U): at 5 pm? a bit early don't you think? what made you so exhausted?🤔

✰ TProwestBoy: a certain villain's events 😓

✰ (Y/M/U/U): ah, well just by using your PC you should stay up at least until night time 

✰ TProwestBoy: I do my best!

✰ (Y/M/U/U): hehe so whats your name?

✰ TProwestBoy: I'm Tails Prower ✌️

✰ (Y/M/U/U): 😳 aren't you that yellow fox around Sonic??

                                           ....Me being shocked I nearly spit my coffee at the PC, How does she know about Sonic? More importantly, How she knew who I was?? a million questions were clouding my thoughts that I came back to reality and typed back...:

✰ TProwestBoy: How'd you?

✰: (Y/M/U/U): let's just say I'm the "eyes in the sky" 😌 don't worry I'm no threat

✰ TProwestBoy: ok? 

✰ (Y/M/U/U): Oh! how rude of me lolz my names (Y/N) the (F/A)


❖~ a Few months later ~❖

~ Your P.O.V. ~

Things were so different ever since you met Tails, you started developing feelings for him, yes he's like funny, smart, sweet...GOOD GOD ARE YOU REALLY RAMBLING ABOUT HIM?? 

Anyways, you hear explosives and robot movements that you let curiosity take control of you and what you saw shocked you but your also not surprised at all, It was Tails, Knuckles, and even Sonic fighting against Eggman once again in his crappy yet impressive robot he always claims as "His greatest creation!". As you watched you see Tails struggling to fight back, you were taken from this from stupidity as you were in Eggman's grasp struggling as the robot grip onto the neck of your shirt/sweater screaming, " LET ME GO BALDY MC NOSEHAIR!! ", you said which almost insulted him. Sonic and the others try their best to save you without even harming you but it was then Tails hacked through the system and caused it to self-destruct, forcing the robot to let you go and being caught by the certain yellow fox who flew away with you closing your eyes and also losing your last pair of glasses.

As you open your eyes all you can see is a yellow blur, a red blur, and a blue blur making you squint your eyes almost giving you a headache. " here use these ", Tails said putting homemade glasses on you making you blush in bright red/hot pink seeing him up so close, " T-thanks Tails.. ", you said looking away and getting up. " So, whats your name kid? ", Sonic said in a rather cheery tone, " I'm (Y/N) the (F/A), I live not so far from here ", you answered shaking Sonic's hand but then heard a shocked tone from the yellow fox, " you're (Y/M/U/U)?? ".


∼ Tails' P.O.V. ∼

I was so taken back by this that I thought this is a living dream, but she's just an ordinary girl...right? just by hearing her name it has given me even more questions, " But how'd you enter that website? ", I asked out of curiosity with a rather surprising answer she given, " I work for the government as a Hacker, mechanic, and scientist ", she said in unison. Now things made a lot more sense, I thought for a minute she was a spy, but then again she did put that she's no threat so I guess I can stop worrying...

As I was walking her home with Sonic and Knuckles, we made nonstop conversations on hobbies and science stuff that Sonic would fall asleep on, I'm just glad she's ok. " hey uh wanna hang out sometimes? ", I asked (Y/N) sheepishly almost regretting asking her, " Id love that ", SHE SAID YES?? I'm so excited that I didn't realize I did my victory dance in front of her until she giggled, and end up dashing away waving bye to her in embarrassment with two of my best friends who are laughing their butts off.


~ Your P.O.V. ~

When he left I went into my house smiling like it was one of my best days, as I did my errands on hygiene and all my robot brought me chamomile tea as I rest on my computer chair, " How was your day Miss (Y/N)? ", my robot asked, as I was about to answer I heard a DING! on my own computer as a notification from my favorite hero...

✰ : TProwestBoy has entered the chatroom :

✰ TProwestBoy: Hi 😉

         ...I smiled as I answered my robot's question, " It was perfect∼❤︎ ".

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