♡ Boyfriend! Silver X Bf/Gf! Insomniac! Reader ♡

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F/A - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

❖This a short one-shot about you having some trouble to get go to sleep and Silver helps you.


~Third person P.O.V.~

    ...It was 2:30 am in Mobius, you and Silver been together for a year or two, but lately, you've been having trouble falling asleep. It's the same problem before you and Silver even became a thing together, but your insomnia has gotten worse than at that time. You tried to fall asleep countless times but fails and ends up staying up until the sun rises to wake up Silver, everyone was worried for you even your significant other, Silver, but you just push them away hiding your facade. Tonight is different, just as you open you eyes wide open once again you sat up sitting on the bedside in your pajamas with slightly dark circles growing under your eyes...

 Tonight is different, just as you open you eyes wide open once again you sat up sitting on the bedside in your pajamas with slightly dark circles growing under your eyes

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Your own movements stir Silver, waking up without you knowing and he begins to worry even more ever so

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...Your own movements stir Silver, waking up without you knowing and he begins to worry even more ever so. He begins to wonder, 'why are you up?' or 'are you ok?' or even, 'please tell me what's wrong (Y/N)...', before you even got up he held you close from behind making your eyes widens, slightly jumped from the sudden action...


~ Silver's P.O.V.~

    ..."(Y/N), what's wrong?", I asked and she/he/they once again try to push me away, "I-it's nothing hun, just getting water", she/he/they said but I wasn't convinced, this been going on for months and it's scaring me. "I'm not letting go (Y/N)...Please tell me what's on your mind...", I pleaded not letting go and she/he/they sighed in defeat, "...am I...good enough?...", she/he/they admitted and my eyes widen and I make her/him/them look into my eyes. "What makes you say that?" "Well... some of the classmates in my class been saying that you'd be better off with someone else... they even compared me to Blaze...", she/he/they said and starts tearing up.

I grit my teeth together in pure anger, comparing (Y/N) to Blaze? when I get my hands on them, but then my anger softens when I listen to (Y/N) weeping, "I think they're right, I mean... *sniffs* she's more pretty, she's strong... I'm just weak and...", I hear and I shut her/him/them up kissing her/him/them passionately, holding her/him/them close and wiping her/his/their tears. "Don't listen to them, everything they said are not true at all... your beautiful, talented, and pure... Remember what I said when I confessed my feelings for you?", I reminded her/him/them and she/he/they nodded.

    "The more I think of you, the more I love you. Your one thought has a mesmerizing effect on me. I really don't remember the time when this actually started. All I remember is that you and I together are just perfect. You understand me so well. When I am with you, all my sadness just dwells. You know what I really need you to be with me right now. I want to express it all that I love you a lot. It's just in the day when I was thinking that I am so lucky coz I have you in my life, that very moment I got your call. This indicates that I and you are meant to be together. Forever in time, I love you a lot and I will never let you go. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I remembered it well, and I mean it...I will never ever let you go...because I love you too much", I smile and I held her/him/them close as she/he/they weep softly until she/he/they relax with a yawn. "y'know if you want, I can help you sleep, is that ok?", I asked and she/he/they nodded with me laying in bed as I use my powers to cover us both with the sheet not letting her/him/them go. Then I softly sang...

"Sunsets, little one 
Time to dream. 
Your mind journeys, 
But I will hold you here.

Where will you go, little one, 
Lost to me in sleep? 
Seek truth in a forgotten land, 
Deep within your heart.

Never fear, little one, 
Wherever you shall go. 
Follow my voice- 
I will call you home. 
I will call you home..."

    ...As I finish singing (Y/N) was asleep, with a smile on her/his/their beautiful face. When I wake up, of course, I'm still gonna teach those jerks a lesson but for now, I just wanna hold her/him/them close and wake up with (Y/N) in my arms, I kiss her/his/their head  and before I fall asleep I said this in her/his/their sleep...

..."Sweet dreams my love, I love you" 💛...

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