.:|| 🎄 Christmas Special: Amy Rose X Reader 🎄 ||:.

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/C) - Favorite color

❖ (E/C) - eye color

❖ (F/F) - Favorite Frosting

❖ Your in Sonic's Christmas/sleepover party but there's something suspicious about Amy, is she your Secret Santa? or should we say your Ms.Claus?


.:|| Amy's P.O.V. ||:.

    Ahhh I can't be this shy around (Y/N)! she's/he's/they're too pretty/handsome in that getup! No doubt Rouge choose those clothes for her/him/them but it does fit her/his/their aesthetics. But nothing makes me more embarrassed by the sweet smell of baked goods from (Y/N), lately, I've been sending her/him/them a batch of cookies, with her/his/their (F/F) too. "Hey, Ames!~ hey you ok?" "mhm..", I mumbled out all flustered, "Hey c'mon Ames you can't hide in the cabinet forever~" "Amy's not here right now, she's in cabinet town...", I said and Sonic chuckles pulling me out. "Hey c'mon it's natural to get all flustered around your crush, just try to hang with her/him/them like you always do!~" "you think so?", I said peaking out of my sweater. "I know so!~ now go have fun!~", Sonic exclaim to me pushing me to where (Y/N) is.

"Oh! Hi Amy!~ Wanna play?" "S-sure, but how do I play?" "I'll show you!~", She/He/They said and she/he/they sat me down on her/his/their lap, I can feel my whole face turning red but I shook it off listening to (Y/N)'s teaching. After a few lessons, I play against Rouge, but then I felt (Y/N)'s arms slithering around my waist and her/his/their head resting on my shoulder making my cheeks turn pink. This is just too embarrassing! Sitting on my crush's lap is embarrassing enough!

    "Wow (Y/N), you taught Amy really well~" "I sure did~ *smiles*", (Y/N) said hugging me close to her/his/their chest making me turn away flustered. Good Mobius, she's/he's/they're too much. THIS is too much! I feel like I'm about to explode! 

...Hours later I yawned tiredly on the couch after a good romance book, I forget that this isn't just a Christmas party, it's also a sleepover party. As I head upstairs I found (Y/N) in our shared room already in pajamas resting on a couch-like beanbag, and Good Mobius she/he/they look so cute in those PJs!!~

 As I head upstairs I found (Y/N) in our shared room already in pajamas resting on a couch-like beanbag, and Good Mobius she/he/they look so cute in those PJs!!~

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