🚔Shadow X Rebel! reader🚔

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❖ (Y/N) - your name

❖ (F/A) - fav animal

❖ (F/C) - fav color

❖ Shadow watching over Mobius until he sees you stealing a chaos emerald taking it back to where you live


~ Shadow P.O.V. ~

Finally, a week off from G.U.N., can't stand the stress over this job. As I made my way home with a cup of coffee from a coffee shop I hear the sound of alarms blaring from one of the mobian banks, I know this is my week off but I have a job, so I threw the empty drink out an chase after the thief. During the chase, the (F/A) is still running from me, she/he/they are fast but not like fast like me, more like agile and swift with her/his/their movement. I can tell she/he/they're tired though 'cause I can hear exhausted breathing like she/he/they're about to collapse from her/his/their escape, "give up and maybe I won't let G.U.N. take you in!" "How can I know I should trust you! Your Shadow THE hedgehog! you're like a hierarchy of elite officers!", she/he/they're right, out of all the criminals I took in they all trust me like I'm some sort of "friend", but that's only because they never heard of me before. This one's different, this (F/A) knows me, and possibly knew my recent captures of previous criminals. I gotta get her/him/them to trust me because for some reason, I don't wanna take her/him/them to a jail cell just like the others.

"WATCH OUT!" "huh?", with that, the (F/A) crashes into multiple walls of metal, most possibly a fortress of Dr.Eggman, not that I care if he wasn't a threat, as the smoke clears, I found the (F/C) (F/A) lying unconsciously bleeding from her/his/their head and side from the metal points, also having some smaller cuts, bruises, and some smudges of oil, she/he/they must've run so fast from being so agile that she/he/they couldn't stop but instead tries to protect (her/him/them)selves before ramming into the metal walls, which to my suprise the (F/A) ran through a 6 inch thick metal wall. I knelt down and check for a pulse, thankfully I found one and picked her up leaving the bags of money where it belongs without being noticed by others and teleported home with a chaos control. Waiting for the (F/A) to wake up as I ready some ibuprofen for a possible headache...


~ Your P.O.V. ~

What a day, first I was on a heist to steal some cash from a bank, being chased by a black hedgehog, THE black hedgehog mind you, and now I'm unconscious from my out stupidiness for not looking where I'm going just when I smash through metal walls. I woke up with a pounding headache, to my surprise, I thought I was in a jail cell, which is, of course, is no problem since I always escape but no, I'm resting on the couch in a living room which is well decorated and neat with colors ranging from pure black and blood red. Who knew this person has taste in style, but then as I saw the pictures I panicked almost hyperventilating, why? BECAUSE THIS IS SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG'S HOUSE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. I knew for a moment that I may be in the slammers later in the most secured jail cell, just by thinking about almost made me vomit. ugh.

Then I heard footsteps and I get my bat/mallet ready to strike, "...your up early...mind putting that down, I'm not going to hurt you" "How can I trust you? this isn't the first time you did this you know...", I said and he set his gun on the table and he set the pills on the coffee table which said ibuprofen, so he's really not gonna arrest me? something's not right until I hit my head groaning in pain near the point of crying my eyes out, "here drink this and rest for a bit will you", he said handing me the pill and a glass of water, I became suspicious but when I look at him it almost looks sentimental, so I hesitated to gulp down the pills and I rest on the couch curled up still feeling the heavy migraine. As I fell asleep, I hear the sound of sizzling oil and the smell of steak, it became almost a lullaby but the smell is also a distraction. Luckily I was able to sleep...


~ hours later: Night time ~

I was woken up once again by soft shaking on my shoulder making me sit up and rub my eyes, "hey you might wanna brush your teeth before eating" "mmm I wanna sleep..", I said in denial but then the smell of steak hits me once again and I sigh in defeat, "bathroom's upstairs to the right, I have extra toothbrushes", I nodded getting up and brush my fangs/teeth with his toothpaste of strawberries and mint...


~ Shadow P.O.V. ~

As she/he/they went upstairs I finish up the cooked steak and salad with a glass of sparkling ice soda, the (F/A) looked cute when she/he/they are asleep, then again she/he/they are a criminal no doubt, but when I checked her files the (F/A) has no criminal data which is quite a surprise, someone out there is helping her/him/them delete recent crimes which are quite clever for just a mere (F/A). But as I think about it, I don't have to bring her/him/them in, it would be unwise for me to bring a criminal whose criminal data is deleted and would make me an utter fool. Which is fine by me as long as the (F/A) stays out of trouble and work for both sides of the law, which surely she/he/they will disagree but will also agree to help. 

As I finish and place the steak and salad on two plates I hear the sound of the shower cap turning off, just when I specifically stated to brush her/his/their teeth. But, it is late so I guess I'll let it slide just this once, as the (F/A) exit I blushed in a soft red seeing her/him/them wearing my shirt and pants letting her/his/their own quills/hair fall instead of a ponytail. "tch you look like a cherry head~" "Sh-shut up and eat your damn food...", and we did just that, she surely was hungry for a mobian (F/A), this would mean she's struggling to survive, that's why she stole the cash from the banks.

"S-so are you gonna arrest me?...", She/He/They said playing with her/his/their food a bit, she/he/they must've not wanna get arrested again, especially in the hot summer of May. So I shook my head and said...

"Not at all"...

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