♚ Metal Sonic X Tattooed! Reader ♚

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F/A - Favorite Animal

(Y/N) - your name

❖Your a Mobian having tattoos on your two whole arms, collarbones, and back going on a walk just having a chilled day


~ Your P.O.V. ~

Good Mobius it's hot, I was sitting on the roof of Sonic's van with the rest of the gang as we all head to the beach not far from here, turns out it's unpopulated at this time and it has a huge ass beach house! well not anymore until we get there. Knuckles was nervous about being this far away from Angel Island but are calm that Tails put up the most secured security system all around the island with also the help of Shard as well with a vast army of robots he made and G.U.N. robots. Amy was taking pictures, selfies, and videos on her phone for a daily vlog on social media as well as a few others, including Shadow, which everyone in this van knows that he's gonna be uploading videos of him pranking Sonic with Knuckles and the other boys. Cream, Tails, Charmy, and Marine didn't come 'cause of course, it was still school days in the summer so it was just us, young adults, a cool robot named Omega and an old man named Shadow~

I, on the other hand, was just enjoying the breeze of hearing my favorite song on the radio. It's a bit of a classic rock but with a twist of techno and screamo, Amy could understand why I adore songs like that since I am much of a rebel or as the girls call me "Goth and edgy", either way, I am finally out of the house. Wait, what's that in the sky? oh well, must be just an eagle.

Until we've all arrived we all unload our stuff, I took my stuff and unpack it all on a good spot with my radio. I made sure all of the summer furniture is well kept in the sand, as the song came up it grew into a party, Omega making some natural drinks of fruits with either a hint or more of alcoholic beverages, Silver and Sonic made the torches since we're gonna be here for a couple of months, and the girls including me are changing into their swimsuits. I'm not one for swimsuits but I like to show my tattoos time to time~

In the middle of the day, we hear sounds, like a plane, is coming down but it turns out Metal Sonic came to the beach, "OH YEAH! guys don't get mad but Metal was gonna be here as well!~", Amy stated and it made everyone like 50% calmer but they still have that disbelief and untrusting aura. So I stood up and walk to Metal who was chilling sitting on an extra beach chair with a can of oil and piña colada in my hands, "thirsty?" "...thank you...", he said when I hand him a can of oil. But I couldn't help but feels eyes from him.

"what are those on your flesh?" "Oh, these? their called tattoos, like pictures and calligraphy but it stays on your skin permanently", I stated, does he not know tattoos? I guess he's been gone for a while, I then blush when he traced the shapes and words on my skin with his claws, "Can I get one?" "Well if you get a tattoo it would've been different because your all metal, uh no pun intended heh", I said now a bit embarrassed blushing softly and he chuckles lightly. "It's fine"


~ Metal Sonic P.O.V. ~

She/he/they are very cute for a mobian (F/A), wait did I literally stated that (Y/N) is cute? maybe it's a malfunction but then I realized that it's the same feeling I have after when Sonic and Amy accepted me to be apart of their family. What was it again? oh yeah, it's called love, but this love is different. As we kept talking I couldn't stop staring at her/his/their "tattoos" she/he/they called them, I wondered if I could get one but she/he/they mentioned that since I'm all metal it would have to be a torque instead on a needle.

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