.:||🎄Christmas Special: Sonic and friends🎄||:.

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(Y/N) - your name

(F/C) - Favorite color

(F/F) - Favorite flowers

(E/C) - eye color

❖ A/N: Aw yeah! it's nearly (Nah not even just like in 11 more days lol) Christmas might as well make a Christmas special for ya!~ here's an early Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa present from me to all you lovely humans, but I'm only doing six characters for this special who are Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Amy, Scourge, and Mephiles. The five hedgehogs and one faker XD

❖ You were invited to Sonic's house for a Holiday Party with Sonic and the other heroes that fought alongside the blue-clad. But how will you react when he has some plans and tricks up his sleeves? 


~ United Federation: 7:10 am ~

.:|| Your P.O.V. ||:.

    As I was preparing a nice cup of hot chocolate when suddenly someone rung the doorbell, opening it up it was Sonic, The blue hedgehog that saved Mobius, the planets, even other dimensions countless times. "Hey (Y/N)!~" "Hey Sonic, what brings you here at this hour?", I asked and he answers, "Well, I'm having a party at my place for the Holidays!~ and I was wondering if you would like to join!~", Handing me an invitation, my face lit up with such joy and excitement.

"Gosh, I love too Sonic!~ when's it start?" "It starts tonight, don't be late~", he joked and I giggled softly, I could've sworn I saw a slight red hue on his cheeks, "I won't~ I'll be there before you even know it!~" "I'll see to that~ see ya at the party!~", he says before dashing off. What a goofball, well it's still early and the party doesn't start until like the next 17 hours so I went to continue the morning with breakfast, afterward I checked my closet to see what I should wear at the party. But, unfortunately, I don't have much of Christmas themed clothes, "Damn, guess it's time for some shopping, wonder if the girls can help me...", I stated to myself and start texting Amy (🌹), Rouge(💎), Blaze(👑), and Fiona(◆)...:

🔮(Y/N)🔮: Hey girls! wanna go shopping? need some festive cute clothes for the party Sonic prepared 😅

🌹Amy Rose🌹: O.M.G. we have to go shopping 😆

💎 Rouge 💎: Why not? you do need some more clothes to make your secret Santa fall for you~

🔮 (Y/N) 🔮: R-Rouge! 😂 

◆ Fiona ◆: You really do though~ I heard everyone is going, yo Ames, mind picking us up with your pink go-cart?~

🌹 Amy Rose 🌹: It is not a go-cart! shut up 😂

💎 Rouge 💎: It kinda is tbh 

🔮 (Y/N) 🔮: girls 😂 

🌹Amy Rose 🌹: AH sorry (Y/N)! We'll pick you up at 3 pm

💎 Rouge 💎: better be ready by then~

◆ Fiona ◆: Yeah or your secret Santa will be bummed out for sure~

🔮 (Y/N) 🔮: tch, as I'll ever let that ha- shut up! >////<

...Good Mobius, they're gonna kill me, but it is true though. I've been getting present from this "Secret Santa" ever since yesterday, and don't get me wrong it's really sweet but it's creepy at the same time. Looking at the time, it's right now 10:50 am, time really has gone by quick, then I took a glance at the invitation and start reading it:

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