3. Kim Jennie

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Jennie Kim

What's up everyone? Finally I can meet you all. It's likely that you already know me as one of the most famous K-pop singers here in Korea. I just completed the last concert on my first world tour ofJapan. We will spend a few more days here relaxing and unwinding before returning back to Korea. Me and my entire crew and managers are really overwhelmed by the results of our entire In Your Area Tour. And I love my fans and supporters so much. What I am doing today is thanks to all of them. I am so lucky to have them. I will do my best to do everything I can to make them happy and content with my work and art.

I love music and dancing. That is why I chose to be a K-pop artist. It is very tough to be successful in this industry. Even if you have money and connections, no one can guarantee that people are willing to love you. You must have a way into people's hearts and theirminds. Youu should be able to make an impression on them when they first see you. Even if that is face to face or on social media. If you can connect with them they are willing to love and support you and if you can't no matter how much money or influence from the higher ups you have you cannot stay in this industry. Yes you also should be competent at what you are doing but your personality also plays a huge role.

I come from an influential family. My family is well known in Korea but my fans don't know who they are. Yes everyone knows that I was born with a silver spoon. But they don't realize that it's actually a gold spoon. Perfection is the only thing that exists in my family. You can be nothing less than a perfectionist in all aspects. Well I am the black sheep in my family because of my career choices. But my parents always supported me in all my decisions. It's my grandparents, especially my Grandpa who are against me. But yeah who cares because I have never been close to them, they never have time for us. The only thing they expect is for us to follow what they demand. When I was little they sent me to New Zealand for studying. I didn't want to but I had to. Why?? Because they wanted to. I had to stay away from my parents and my big sister because I never listened to them. And why should I? Their demands were selfish. And I had dreams. I wanted to live my own life, not the life they had already prepared for me since I was born.

So yeah, after 5 years in New Zealand, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do something major to convince at least my parents that I am entirely dedicated to music. That's why I auditioned for the freshmen artist at YG entertainment without them knowing. And now I am proud that I got what I love with my own talent and not because of my family's name. My grandparents are still upset with me but at least they don't bother me anymore. I also have to thank my unnie for this. I love her so much.

Jisoo Unnie has always been the obedient one of the two of us. She was the only one who knew that I was planning to audition for YG and she supported me wholeheartedly. She always followed my grandparents' demands because she wanted me to live my life to the fullest so she sacrificed her dreams.

My parents have always supported us for what we do but they never stood against our grandparents' for our rights. We both, Jisoo, Unnie and I, don't get how they can manage to be on both sides. But yeah they do and they are adored by all of us. My grandfather and father were both only children so I have no cousins from his side. But I am blessed with my Oppas from my Mom's side. No one knows this but Kim Taehyung aka V from BTS and I are blood related. He is the son of my mother's brother. We both share the same passion for music and dancing which is why we have a very strong bond. We always lowkey support each other and he has been one of my biggest supporters on my journey.

Enough about my family. I am very open to the world about my preferences about what I like and dislike. I have always been busy because of the career I chose but I love what I do, so I'm not complaining. But yeah one of the cons in this industry is that I have never dated anyone. Yeah there have been a few flings here and there but that was mostly to gain publicity or out of boredom.

That's enough about me. I might have been overboard on some topics... Mehh... who cares?

 who cares?

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