13. Sweet Revenge

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The company wants to make a story about this whole issue. They want me to pretend, if anyone asks, like I was just checking her profile because my company wants to hire her as my personal photographer for my shoots and they want my approval first before offering her the position. And it was during that moment I followed her by mistake. Well it was a mistake but the reason is different. But for now they want me to act normal and not react on this issue.

I think its a nice plan, she is an amazing photographer so it is easy to convince people with that lie. Also my management searched about her because of the issue and gave a me a report on her. She is originally from Thailand, 22 years old, Not working for any company right now. Her full name is Lalisa Manoban. She always travel to places and takes pictures but never gave her resume to any of the photography agency. Maybe she is from a wealthy family that's how all the travelling without a job. There is no information about her school or college, Or about her family. 

I guess she is from an influential family as well or there is actually nothing special about her at all, that's why there is so less information about her here.

I guess she is from an influential family as well or there is actually nothing special about her at all, that's why there is so less information about her here

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This from one of my personal collaborations with the Gentle Monster. I was supposed to post it a few days later in the end of month but I decided to post it now to divert the attention of people from my mistake with the news of a new collaboration. I will just post again something for the Gentle Monster for the promotions, they are quite understanding people. Everyone is when they get two promotional posts by paying for only one.

I was relieved that everything will be fine now and will go back to normal. But I forgot about one thing or should we say person? Who was the center of this whole chaos. As I was chilling after posting about my new collab, I received a notification from my Instagram for a private DM message. I have all the notifications from Instagram turned off. Except the private DM. I have friends in the industry and my family members who text me using Instagram. But I didn't expect a text from HER.


We woke up late in the morning because we didn't plan to go anywhere during the day time. We will meet Andrew and Chloe later in the evening. So we were free for the whole afternoon. I decided to check the pictures I took yesterday and select the best ones we can use for the documentary. I bought a new hard drive where I will store all the pictures related to this project. I don't want to delete even a single pic, no matter its in the documentary or not.

It took me hours to manage all the pictures in their respective folders. I had transferred all the pictures to my hard disk first, than selected some pics and stored them in order with the ratings on them, so that my favorite pics will be on top. It will be convenient if I arrange the pictures in order from the very start.

After the tiring day I decided to check my beloved Instagram for a while. After the apology story my timeline got back to normal and people are not uselessly commenting on my posts.

Well I spoke too soon. Here they go again with the Jennie Kim comments again.

What have I done to you for bombarding my posts with her name???

I checked what happened and I'm kind off shocked to know that The Jennie Kim followed me on Instagram. Maybe for not even a second but yeah there it is the screenshot of Jennie Kim's profile where it clearly showed that she had followed me.

It is not as bad as the last time Jen fans were on my case. Its actually pretty good to be honest.

Good how??? Well I am getting free publicity from her and new people can see my work now. Even my followers have increased to a million now. That's the power of Jennie Kim for you all. 

Okay maybe I'm fangirling a little on her. But what can you say? she has always been one my favorite K-pop artist. And its in the human nature that when you get attention from someone you adore or follow, You like them even more than before.

Wait a minute!!!!

Where the hell that like came from. Yes I respect her for her talent and she is beautiful. But like?? Seriously Lalisa Manoban. Clear your head. You don't even know her that much. I just like her music. Yeah that's what I meant by like. Also I didn't even say that I like her. It was just a hypothetical situation.

After all the unwanted thinking, I checked the message from bambam. Which is also related to Jennie Kim. He is always up to date about her. He texted me soon after the incident happened. Sometimes I feel like he is the one spreading all this. Who knows maybe he has a secret fan page of Jennie Kim.

As I was talking to him, he gave me an idea. He is a tech expert and knows everything about technology. He told me that when someone follows us even for a second our dm is directly transferred from the request box to the primary DMs. 

And god I love my brother so much for giving me this new information.

Wanna know why?? Because I was kind off embarrassed for the whole event at the restroom in that restaurant. I have never been like this in front of anyone. This is the first time ever and now I can get my sweet revenge on her.

I don't plan to make her feel bad or anything. I just want to have some fun by teasing her for stalking my account. 

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