54. SURPRISE??!!!

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'Heart In Seoul' was a huge success released on Christmas Eve.

Jennie came back from US a day before. She took the VVIP exit so no one followed and went directly to Lisa's apartment.

She asked Lisa not to pick her up because it was already late at night when she arrived.

When they saw each other it didn't feel like it had been a month since they last saw each other. They were all lovey dovey like they used to be. Maybe even more.

After the release of their documentary, they both are free to do whatever they want for the next few days.

So they decided to go back in Jennie's family house in Busan with their friends. Not only their friends but Jennie and Jisoo's parents were also there. It was the first time Lisa met them.

Even though Jennie was busy with tour she helped her through calls to get a perfect Christmas present for the both of them.

Jennie already told her parents about Lisa and they were the most supportive parents. But Mr.Kim did took the father mode and tested Lisa if she was good enough for his younger daughter. At the end no Kim could resist Lisa's charm.

The only downside was Lisa and Jennie couldn't share a room, because Jennie even told her parents about Lisa's Junior.

Everyone is doing the last countdown of the year.




Jennie and Lisa stood a little away from everyone else. Jennie looking at the star, while Lisa she was looking at her superstar, Jennie.



Jennie finally looked at Lisa.


"HAPPY NEW YEAR" All their friends and family members shouted at the top of their lungs.

Lisa pulled Jennie closer by waist, at the same time sbe pulled Lisa closer by wrapping her arms around her shoulders. They both whispered "happy new year" before joining their lips together in a sweet kiss.

They heard whistling and hooting sounds from their friends as they were kissing for too long now. They smiled in between their kiss.

"Alright Kiddos... I'm too young to be a grandpa right now." Mr. kim, Ji young, Jennie's father joked and Jenlisa pulled away from each other giggling.


The next few days passed by like a flash. They all went back to work after new year's day and Jenlisa got to finally spend a few nights together.

Soon enough it was 5th January and Jennie had to leave again. But this time Lisa had a surprise for her.

After biding goodbye once again Lisa started to complete her last few commitments before getting on her private jet the very next day to Thailand.

Now she was back to being the Lisa who was free to do whatever she wants. She had no contract or last days to fulfill. No more promotions or anything else.

She went Straight to her home in Bangkok. Her parents were there waiting for her. As she didn't saw them for the Christmas this year so she wanted to makeup to them.

They knew about Jennie already but that didn't stop Lisa to talk even more about her. Both her parents were really happy for her. That finally she found someone who loves her as much as they love her.

But there was sadness in their eyes too. Which Lisa noticed but ignored as she was too excited to talk about her surprise for Jennie.

On 7th January, Lisa attended the concert but didn't go to the front. She had some help from Jennie's head bodyguard and managed to get the access to backstage.

During the last song she made her way to Jennie's dressing room to wait for Jennie there.

But everything doesn't go as planned does it?

When the door opened and Lisa shouted "surprise" the person in front of her was not Jennie but her makeup artist.

Jennie did heard her shout but she was behind atleast 4 or 5 people.

Everyone was shocked because although they knew who Lisa was, as Jennie's photographer. They didn't expect her to be here. Not with the entire room filled with flowers and the table where should be their makeup products was now covered with chocolates.

Lisa was shocked too and more than that she was embarrassed. She couldn't see Jennie behind all these people.

"Umm.. I.. Aaaa.. Wrong room?" She stuttered cutely while scratching her nape which almost made everyone squeal.

Jennie? She was so shocked to hear her voice she couldn't actually react at all.

"Uwuu she's so cute." Jennie heard someone from the front and automatically raised an eyebrow folding her arms on her chest.

"If you came to see Jennie than you're in the right room Gorgeous." Jennie couldn't believe that all these people, her makeup artist and designer were practically flirting with HER girl in front of HER eyes.

"I.. I guess I'll just come back later." Lisa stuttered but managed to get the words out clearly. But no one made way for her to exit. It was getting even more awkward for her.

Jennie had enough though. She made her way to the front and saw how Lisa was suddenly all smiley and relived to see her. She passed a small smile to her before turning towards her staff.

"I will handle it from here." Jennie said in a bitchy tone because yes she didn't like everyone else oogling at her girl.

"You're still joining us for dinner right?" The lead make-up artist asked, who was also one of Jennie's closest crew member.

"Umm about that." Jennie was interrupted by someone

"You should go with them" Lisa said in a hurried tone.

Everyone's eyes was once again on her.

"I can go with them some other time." Jennie said nonchalantly

"But you already made plans and it was my mistake I didn't inform you first." Lisa argued.

"But you're here now and I can't leave you alone." Jennie argued back.

"I'm not alone, my family lives here. I'll just go back home."

"You came here to see me and you'll just leave like that?" Jennie was a little irritated now. They both forgot about everyone else who's present in the room.

"I already saw you. And we can be together tomorrow."

"Why not today?" Jennie was getting impatient

"Because you already made pla.." lisa was interrupted

"Oh my God Lalisa Manoban" Jennie exasperated "Can't you understand that I just want to be with you right now?"

"I.. Umm... Aaa... Sorry" Lisa stuttered afraid of the angry kitten. Everyone was confused seeing them like this. They were all in disbelief that the duo actually forgot about their existence.

"Ahem.." one of them coughed to gather the duo's attention "We can reschedule for some other time." She said.

"See.. they don't have any problem with this too." Jennie pointed out accusingly at Lisa.

Lisa was like a small child who just want to get to a corner and just hide there to save herself from the wreath of her angry mother. But there was no where to run.

"O-Okeyy" she stuttered

"Okay what?" Jennie said angrily. Lisa who was already afraid got shiver all over her body.

"Calm down Jennie. She will pee her pants." Her lead make-up artist tried to joke and lighten the mood but instead got a glare from the kitten.

In the end her joke actually worked because when Jennie faced Lisa again she saw how much Lisa was actually afraid, She might have gone a bit harsh on lisa.

She went close to Lisa and bought her hand to her cheek. Lisa flinched at first but than relaxed. She did went overboard and took her jealousy out on Lisa, Jennie thought.

She hugged Lisa which made Lisa instantly relax in her arms. "I'm sorry" Jennie said softly.

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