7. New idea

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Lisa- GET YOURSELF TOGETHER MANOBAN. Okay (I looked directly into her eyes) I am sincerely sorry for Bumping into you and for everything else I said.

After those last few words I quickly bowed once and got out of the restroom to save the little bit of dignity I have left for myself while scolding myself for my behavior. When I saw bambam I left a few bills which I know are enough for the food and took bambam by hand and dragged him out of that restaurant. I cannot face her one more time with the way I acted. Like seriously??? Where did all that about Yellow came from. She must be thinking I am crazy and a stalker and bumped into her intentionally. Fuck I sounded like a fangirl who is also a stalker.

I was still thinking about the incident and scolding myself when bam jiggled his hand from my grip. He made me stop walking and face him. I took a pause and looked at my surroundings. We were already back at front of the hotel. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and looked at the sky for a few more seconds. Yup!! I am dramatic like that. And as bam knows me well enough he waited for me to speak like always.

Lisa- I fucked up bam

I finally said, dramatically if I may add, and looked him in the eye when I finished my sentence. He looked straight at my face and nodded his head like he already knows what happened.

Bambam- I know. Nothing's new.

He nodded again and looked so serious. I looked at him with a look of disbelief and suddenly hit him hard in the head.

Lisa- Yaaahhh!! Atleast ask me what happened.

Bambam- So what happened

He asked nonchalantly while rubbing his head a little. I looked at him for a few seconds contemplating what am I still doing with him. And than I left him there rubbing his head and didn't even wait for him when the elevator door was closing. Haha serves him right. After a while he also entered our shared hotel room. It had two SEPEARTE beds, I would never ever ever share my bed with anyone. A girl need her space.

Now he behaved and asked me nicely and I told him what happened and this idiots first reaction was sulking for not telling him that Jennie was there. He is such a fanboy and he is going to be an idol?? He will be fanboying over his group members too i guess. And this is not the end after complaining and sulking a little. He started repeating my rambling trying to copy me to recreat the moment and started laughing. I just sat on the sofa and watched TV while scrolling through my Instagram, because I know he will be like this for quite sometime now.

As I had nothing else to do I decided to get that story about the bumping incident clear. And now that I have apologized to Jennie personally I don't need to say sorry in public I guess. So yeah I just explained what happened and for some reasons my consciousness was telling me to write about why I was running that it was to retrieve my camera. So I did that too. My followers know about my grandpa passing and his last gift for me, the camera, and how must importance it holds in my life. I checked the entire thing again for any mistake and clicked on the post button.

I blew out some air and looked at my surrounding only to be scared by bambam who is hovering over me to look at my phone. That idiot wants to kill me.

Lisa- Do you want to kill me you idiot. (I yelled while clutching my shirt)

Bambam- Oh! I was just reading your apology story.

He gave me a peace sign

Lisa- You could have read it using your phone. Its public no need to scare me like that.

Bambam- I didn't thought about that (he scratched he nape with his silly smile) Sorry lil sis.

I just shook my head and got up from sofa to get some water and fresh air. I went to the balcony and looked at the city of Seoul. It's so beautiful, no picture has ever done justice to the view in front of me. Who can capture these beautiful blinking lights from the moving vehicle and these amazingly designed sky scrapers, the sound of the wind, how it feels on my face right now, the wonderful sunsets and as equally wonderful sunrises, the clear skies and everything else that Seoul has to offer. A picture cannot do justice to this beauty.

As I was thinking about all these things an idea clicked in my mind. I will make a documentary from the view of an outsider about Seoul. Wait no, not only Seoul but all the wonderful places South Korea has to offer. I want people to look at Korea with my eyes.

I already started making plans and searching for places I will visit for my documentary. I am only good at taking pictures but I want someone professional to write for me. It's not like I can't write but its just not my forte. Someone with as much passion in writing as I have for photography. Yup I want a partner for this project. And I know the perfect person who will help me in this. My lovely best friend. My Chipmunk.

I took my phone and dialed her number. I don't care what the time is in Australia or what she is doing. Everything else can wait. And I know she will be as excited as I am. She soon picked up the call and started rambling that if its not important she will get in the next flight and get here only to kill me for disturbing her. I ignored her ranting and got straight to the point.

Lisa- Well book that flight and get here as soon as possible because we are going to work together again.

Heart in Seoul - Jenlisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now