46. I Want You

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Lisa bought one of her hands between them and started unbuttoning the buttons of Jennie's shirt from the top.

There are two ways of removing a shirt, one over the head without opening any buttons and the other is the way Lisa did. Slowly, taking her time feeling every inch of her skin from the first button till the last, leaving it open for a while. She was so sexy Jennie doubted for a second, just for a second, if it was her first time.

It was so hot Jennie could feel the wetness in her bottom.

Lisa roamed her hand around Jennie's waist, her back and her torso, she teased Jennie playing with the edge of her lacy bra. Brushing her fingers lightly against the exposed skin of her boobs.

Lisa broke the kiss and slowly travelled her hands to Jennie's shoulder, slowly removing her shirt complely out of the way.

Jennie saw how Lisa's eyes darkened even more and smirked. She has always been proud of her body, as she should it took hours of workout daily.

Lisa looked up and her eyes met with Jennie's proud once. "I love you" she whispered and Jennie's smile turned into a geniune one in an instant. Love and affection pouring out of both of them.

They looked at each other for a few moments as Jennie replied ger own 'i love you too' back. Lisa's hand never stopped for a moment, they kept making small circles on the exposed skin of Jennie's thigh as she sat straight on her lower stomach.

Lisa was hard under Jennie, who's ass was slightly stockings her member every now and than. She knew Jennie felt that too as she took a quick peek behind her. This made Lisa blush.

"Umm... I'm sorry" she said shyly

"Huh.." Jennie asked confused "what are you sorry for."

"Well... For that" she said pointing at her member.

"Ohh..." Jennie said looked at her Junior again, this time not taking her eyes off of it like examining it.

Lisa was flushed and Jennie? Well Jennie was curious, not having seen one before.

Jennie smiled victoriously being the cause of Lisa's hard on. She looked back at Lisa and pulled her in sitting position by her neck.

She joined their lips and settled down in Lisa's lap so that her junior was pressed under as Jennie sat down.

They both moaned at the contact in each other mouths.

Lisa pulled back "Jennie..." She breathed out her name in a whisper and hold Jennie by waist. Jennie didn't even notice that she was already grinding on Lisa. "I think we should stop now."

Jennie tried to kiss Lisa like she didn't even hear what Lisa was saying. "Jen baby... Please let's stop or I won't be able to control myself." Lisa pleaded and hugged Jennie tightly which she reciprocated immediately.

"I'm sorry... Did I force you?" Jennie said unsure of herself taking deep breaths and trying to calm her racing heart.

"Noo... You didn't..." Lisa said instantly with so much surety that calmed Jennie a bit. "I just don't want you to do anything you will regret later."

Jennie pulled back to look at Lisa. She hold her face and strocked her cheeks with her thumb. "I will never regret anything we do. I want to do this with you. I-I-I want you Lisa."

Lisa was shocked is an understatement. It's not like she didn't want Jennie back, Total opposite of that. They had an amazing sexual attraction from the start, it's actually hard to believe for others that they haven't done anything yet.

Jennie was nervous but she felt proud of herself for actually getting the words out.

"I-A.." lisa coughed to clear her throat which amused Jennie. "Are you sure?"

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