63. Prank Call

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Singapore concert was amazing. All my concerts are going way above ny expectations. My fans are so loving and supportive. The best part is they stopped making assumptions about my love life and are more concentrated on the upcoming concerts.

When I went back to Korea it was almost noon so Lisa was in her office. I could go and surprise her. She have a private elevator which directly opens in the private room of her office. It can only be accessed by a few people who know the passcode. Me being one of those few people is obvious.

I got my wig and mask. I changed into my most comfortable but still presentable clothes before exiting the airport. I took the longer route for the exit and got out with a group of people from another flight, Successfully avoiding the paparazzi.

They would be disappointed to see my manager and crew to be the only ones coming out. But they are a bit used to it. I have been sneaking out a lot to meet Lisa and they have already guessed that I'm sneaking because I'm going to meet my lover. They call me Ninja Jennie because of that now.

I was wearing a simple black jeans and white sweater. I put my blonde wig so no one will notice my hairs and put my mask and goggles. A lot of people wear mask to avoide getting sick in public places so it was common.

When I entered Lisa's company, I already knew my way throughout. We both sneaked here after work hours a few days before my concert and she toured me around enough to know my way to her office. That's how I know the passcode for the elevator too.

I avoided the weird looks from the receptionist and made my way directly to the private elevator and punched the numbers 230917.

When I entered the elevator and turned around I saw the shocked faces of alot of employees and specially the receptionist. Maybe no one has used this elevator except Lisa yet.

Oops maybe I gave them a hint that Lisa has a special someone in her life. Good for them, they will know their place. Lisa is already mine.

The lift took me directly to the private room in her office. It was a little messy but no one was inside. I looked through the small window of the room if she's alone in the office or not.

It was made of one of those glasses that is used by police during investigations. Where you can see what's going on the other side but they can't see you.

She was sitting looking all hot and sexy. She had her glasses on as she went through the papers on her desk. I have never seen her so serious. Even while photographing she always used to be playful from time to time.

I decided to prank call her instead of just showing up in front of her.

"Hii.. Are you back already? How was your flight." She asked as soon as she picked up the call. I saw her put it on speaker mode and place it on the desk.

"Yupp" I said with a pop sound. "The flight was fine shorter than what I'm used too. So less tiring." It was half the time than the flight to New York or Paris. And I travel both those places a lot.

"That's good and I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up." I could hear the sadness in her voice. I looked at her through the window but she was busy doing her work with serious expressions. How did she manage to sound sad but didn't looked sad at all.

"Oh it's fine. And you look hot when you're all concentrated and working. Especially in formals."

"I'm the hottest okay!! Even if I'm in my pajamas."

"You look hotter in blue. Especially when you roll the sleeves of your shirt." She stopped what she was doing and looked at herself. Her eyes widened and she took the phone in her hand placing it on her ear.

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