37. Tressure hunt

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It was after a week from our trip to Busan that I got to see Jennie again. She was a little different after her meeting with her boss , but she made it clear that it was all okay. I trust her, I know she can handle whatever it is. But I want to be there with her to support her.

I asked her for a date today. She is free today so I took a day off work too. It's convenient when you are your own boss. I plan to ask her to be my girlfriend today. I started my day by getting up early and getting ready as fast as I can cause I have to buy flowers and chocolates for her before I pick her up to get breakfast. Yes we are spending the whole day together.

Jennie wore a cute white Chanel sweater and blue jeans with white sneakers

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Jennie wore a cute white Chanel sweater and blue jeans with white sneakers. She looked so cute like a baby, because she is smaller than me and her mandu cheeks are a plus to her look.

Jennie and I had an amazing coffee and croissants for breakfast . We were more open to each other after the confession. We talk almost all day through text and video call since than. I felt lighter after telling her about my feelings. 

Jennie told me about her meeting with Mr. Yang and about his concerns about her dating a girl. Well Mr. Yang it is way more complicated than just that. Now that I think about it I'll have to tell Jennie about me sooner.

After breakfast we walked for a while in a nearby park. As soon as the clock hit 12:30 my plan started.

I show her a printed picture of a gift wrapped in a paper with her name on it. She was confused when she took the picture from my hand. " What's this for?" She asked me and I smiled brightly. It's time for the real date to begin. 

I acted like I was zipping my mouth and threw away a key. She rolled her eyes at my action and I controlled myself not to laugh out loud cause she is soo cute.

Soon she started to examine the picture in hand. And when she turned it there was a note written on the back.

"A loving cupid left these clues behind. Follow the clues and a lovely present will find you. 'You have the key to my heart! This key will lead you where the hunt start'." She read out loud so we both can hear. I smiled looking at her confused face.

"What is this about Lis?" she asked with a frown between her eyebrows. Hehehe Cuteeee. I shrugged when she looked at me. She was frustrated but she had a smile on her lips. "Okay I think I got it." She said and smiled more. "Give me your car keys" she commanded and I shrugged again stopping myself from laughing when she stomped her feet like a child.

"Yahh Lis help me a little at least... Uhgg" she said and came close to me checking my pockets for the key. She found it soon in the inside of my jackets pocket near my heart. She shook her head while smiling. 

We made our way to my car and she started opening the glove box and searching for next clue but find none after checking the whole car. Soon she was opening the trunk which was full of roses of different colors and chocolates with a cute teddy in the middle which had the next clue in his hand. She smiled and kissed me on the cheek before grabbing the teddy. "Thankyou Lis. This is so sweet of you." She said

"A necessity to some, a tressure to many, I'm best enjoyed among pleasant company. Some like me hot, some like me cold. Some prefer mild, some prefer bold. What am I?" She read out the next clue and shook her head smiling. "These are easy. We just had it. It's coffee." She said and smiled. 

"Wait we have to go back inside?" She asked looking at me and I shrugged again. Hahaha she looks so funny right now frustrated because I'm not speaking at all. "Do that one more time and I'll cut your bangs." she threatened playfully while pointing her index finger at me. I just laughed at her and followed her going back inside again.

We went to the managers desk and she asked them about the clue. And guess what they did. They shrugged just like me. Hahaha the look of disbelief on her face. I'm glad I took the perfect opportunity to get a picture of her. Well she caught me and tried to snatch the phone away but she is so tiny. At the end she gave up and soon enough we were back at the table we used. The staff didn't clean it but put the next clue on the table with the cup she used on top of it. There was also a small velvet box on the table with a ribbon wrapped on it.

She opened the box to find a cute bracelet inside with the letters J and L along with heart, butterflies, ice cream, flowers, teddy charms on it. She got the clue and read it out loud like she did with the other two.

"Feeling cold? Then don't forget me! Throw me on before you go. I'm nothing special, everyone has me. People wear me when the temperature's low."

"You are not gonna help me right?" She said and I shrugged again. She shook her head and tried to look for the next clue in my jacket. She tried and tried but didn't find anything. "It's not here." She whined like a kid. Aww soo cutee... She was looking at me with puppy eyes but I'm hard to please when I'm determined. 

Soon she realized and we walked back to the car where her jacket was lying on the backseat. She found the next clue in her jacket and looked at me with disbelief. "When did you manage to put this here." She said but didn't wait for an answer, like she was getting one anyway. She started reading the next clue.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue. Where we first talk, will be your next clue." She read out loud and I can tell you guys she is smart. "You gonna drive or me?" she asked while raising an eyebrow. I shrugged again and she hold my hand and pulled me toward the passenger side. She opened the gate for me pushed me inside.

"I thought you were going to pamper me on this date. But I guess I have to do all the hard work today." she said as soon as she took the drivers seat. We were soon in front of the thai restaurant where we met coincidentally in the washroom. As we entered the whole restaurant was empty expect the staff. They guided us to a table in the center.

The first thing Jennie did was to look for a clue. "You will not find it right now." I told her and she looked at me. "Now you decide to talk?" she said 

I went to on of the chair and pulled it for her. "Let's eat first?" I asked. She looked at me for a moment before taking a seat.

"You know I'm curious about the next clue." she said, "Let's get over with lunch fast than." I told her and the waiter approached with the wine I ordered beforehand. He placed the menu and we decided what we want.

We talked and talked, it's like Jennie forgot about the tressure hunt. But I cannot be more wrong. As soon as she finished she stood up with a smirk on her face. "I'll just use the ladies room." she was already making her way to the restroom now. 

Soon she was back with the next clue and the waiter put her favorite ice cream in front of her. She placed the still closed envelope on the table as her eyes sparked just by looking at the ice cream.

"I have a source but I'm not a journalist. I have a delta but I'm not a Greek alphabet. I have banks on both sides of me but I'm not surrounded by money." she read when we were in the car again. I was on the driver seat now as she told me the answer. "Han River" I smiled and this time I talked the whole way to our next destination. 

We went to the same place where we had our photoshoot at Han River. It was a beautiful day. She was curious to find the next clue but I managed to get her to walk with me first. 

After walking for a while, I received a text from Rosie that she completed her task. I'm lucky to have such great friends in my life.

I stopped her from walking. "Well you have to put a blindfold first before I take you to our next destination."

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