70. Morning (M)

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Hot water cascaded over my body, relieving the stress and tension within my muscles. I had made my decision to call my assistant to tell her that I wasn't coming to work today and that she had to run things without me, and to email me if she had any questions or concerns.

Jennie hated the fact that I had a woman as an assistant and swore that she had a thing for me, but I would always assure her that my heart belonged to her.

As the water rinsed the soap from my body, my mind started to wonder about Jennie. Fantasies played in my mind of my girlfriend, making me hard from all the different scenarios playing in my mind, but they were interrupted when the bathroom door busted open with a bang against the wall and the adjacent bathroom door slamming shut.

Turning off the water, I grabbed my towel and stepped out of the shower, just as Jennie was coming out of the adjacent bathroom, holding her head down, her messy bed hair pulled up into a ponytail. She was wearing a silk blue night gown that showed off her figure, which I loved, and her skin glowed beautifully as the sun rays hit her skin.

I watched her as she dragged herself towards the vanity, bent over and rinsed her mouth out with the mouthwash, turned off the cold water and folding her arms across the sink.

I cocked my head to the side, examining her from behind. Seeing her in that position made me start to concern for her, but there was something else about her, something different, which was turning me on.

I walked up behind her and placed my hands on both side of her waist, raising up her silk blue nightgown, exposing her thighs and lacked black panties and then said. "Good Morning Beautiful."

She groaned, while trying to remove my right hand off her waist and said. "Baby not right now. I'm not feeling good."

"What's wrong?", I said, trying to sound concerned. She looked up at me in the mirror. She looked a little tired, even with her morning face, she still looked beautiful.

"I feel sick to my stomach and not to mention how tired I'm feel right now". I looked back at her in the mirror, her chestnut brown eyes staring back into mine, then I chuckled and looked down at her ass as I palmed it softly.

"Lisa..." , she said agitated and tried to move my hand with a little more force then before but I knew that she would eventually give in.

So I untied my towel, letting it drop to the floor, and grabbed her waist, pulling her back slightly from the counter top, hooked my thumb into her panties, as I pulled them down, I planted light kisses in between her thighs and legs. "Tell me if you want me to stop" I asked

"Mmhh". I heard her moan as I came back up again and I knew she had gave in. I then parted her pussy with my tongue, licking and sucking on her clit, as tasting her from behind until her legs started to shake. I then stood up and positioned myself behind her, entering her slowly. She winced in pain as she buried her face into her arm as I continued to entering her, guiding her waist as I pulled her closer to me and went farther into her pussy.

I moaned and bit both of my lips together once I reached the end of her from the inside and then pulled out of her slowly, holding onto Jennie's waist, then pulled her back to me as I entered her again and again and again until our pace quickened.

"Mmhh, right there baby", Jennie moaned as I quickend my pace. "Fuck", I swore as she tightened more as I continued to pump in & out her.

As we both moaned and panted from the pleasure we were giving one another, I looked into the mirror at the both of us. Sweat ran down my chest & abs as I watched myself pleasure my girl.

Jennie was trying to keep her grip onto the counter top until I grabbed her ponytail and with a fist full of hair, I jerked her head back and said. "Look at me"!

When her eyes met mine, it became pure passion as we lost control staring into each others eyes. I then pushed her forward, turned her around, and picked her up off the floor. As I entered her again, we kissed passionately, our tongues touching & tasting one another again and again.

My left hand was pressed against the mirror while my right arm held Jennie closer to me. Her back was pressed to the mirror while her left hand gripped my left ass cheek and her right hand held onto my neck, as she look up into my eyes again.

I pumped harder and harder, quickening my pace with every stroke and then I felt both of her hands stretched up my back and felt her nails dig deep into my skin, burning and stinging, but pleasuring me at the same time.

We shared another passionate kiss as I picked her up and held her by her waist. Her arms held on my neck as I guided her hips up and down onto me. "Damn baby you gonna make me cum", I groaned looking down at her and gripping her tighter.

Jennie pulled herself closer to my chest and moaned, "Oh baby I'm about to cum", as her hold around my neck tightened, while I quickened my pace more and more until we both had our orgasm.

"I love you", Jennie said panting out of breath.

"I love you more babe and you have a morning schedule. Happy debute anniversary babe.", I said staring at her smiling.

Jennie looking at me wide-eved & said, "WHAT? I totally forg-", covered her mouth, climbed off of me & ran back to the adiacent bathroom, leaving me panting & smiling.

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