8. Chipmunk

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A week has passed and its March already. My parents will go again to travel for business and I will be going back to my apartment which is provided by the company to me. Its not that big, with a master bedroom and a guestroom which is more than enough for me to be honest. I made my guestroom as my 2nd wardrobe and a storage space for all the gifts that I receive from my fans. I use some of them if I find them useful but mostly I keep them for sometime and than donate them to little kids at the orphanage. I don't want to give them away as soon as I receive them because I know they are important to those who gave it to me.

I have all the clothes I rarely use in that room and today is one of those rare occasions because my presence has been asked by my dear grandparents. Well not only me but my entire family to celebrate 25 years of partnership with his business partner. I don't know who they are they have always been a mystery to us, my sister and me, We have never seen them and we don't even know their names. So its kind of weird that now they wants us all to meet them. Even though Jisoo unnie is COO they haven't met them in all these years because our grandpa is still the chairman of our company so all the meetings with the secret partners is handled by him and no one can complain.

To be honest I don't care what he do in that company but I know my grandpa he always have a way to get what he wants and I have a bad feeling about all this. I am only going there because of my parents, they pressured me and blackmailed me with a family trip to Jeju island. Yeah its that easy to convince me. I love being pampered by them. I have enough money to travel wherever I want but I can never buy my families time. I love them with all of my heart and I can endure a few hours of torture with my grandparents. All the Best to self.



I was screaming in my head and scolding myself for coming here at this party. I thought my grandparents will be busy accompanying other guests but it turns out that they want me and my sister to be glued to them to show us off to the entire world.

Don't even get me started how many times he have tried to set up Jisoo unnie with random guys. He don't even know about his own grandchild whom he is trying to force on others is actually lesbian. Yeah Jisoo unnie floats that way, my parents and I know about this for a long time now. Its just Jisoo Unnie don't want us to tell our grandparents about this. They are actually quite open minded about this topic which is a total shock for me, cause how perfect they want everything to be.

And I am sorry for saying the word show US off, they only care about my sister and are only using me to compare with her and showing them how much better she is than me. But I already know this she is the best unnie ever and I love her, whatever my grandpa says my love for her will never fade. She is also giving me looks like she don't want to be in this situation and she is holding my hand silently telling me to control my outburst.

And do you guys know what the worst part is the main guest of the event is not even here. Even the VIP person is not this late for a party. Who the hell these people think they are. They should have been here already to attend the guest and here they are slower than a snail. I don't have any problem from them they van come whenever they want but I cannot leave this party before meeting them.


I have been busy planning for the documentary with my best friend Park Chaeyoung or Rosanne, we also call her rosie or rosé or chang. I just call her Chipmunk cause she looks like a chipmunk, while eating her cheeks get puffy, totally a chipmunk. Back to the topic we have been getting ideas for our documentary and it's going great till now.

Rosie and I have been friends for a long time now. Our parents were college buddies so we have practically grown up together. We are of the same age she is just a few days older than me. She is the sister I never had. We were so close in high school that people mistook us as lovers all the time.

We understand each other like no one can. We are like twins. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her. She came to Korea 3 days after the call. She still had to wind-up some things there. Now we are planning to tour around Seoul first before going out. We want to capture everything. The sunrise, non stop hustle of people rich or poor, from Gangnam gu to Guryoung village, the food, the people, the places, the after hours of work, their lifestyle, the sunsets, and the nightlife. And we want muse for all this of course we can never capture the true beauty of something unless we see someone else wearing. Our muse will wear Seoul like it's a part of his or her body. Someone who connects to Korea till the roots. We want to cover everything a person can experience here in Korea, especially Seoul.

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