71. Rumours

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How can I forget that today is my debute anniversary.

I checked the time after I took the fastest shower of my life. It was already 9am and I have to be at the company before 10.

I called james to pick me up. After 10 minutes I was already in the backseat of my car with my bodyguard and driver in the front and my manager beside me.

"Jennie we are in a slight problem ." My manager said after a few moments. He looked like he aged years in just one night.

"What is it?" I asked. Instead of answering me, he gave me the tablet in his hand with an article opened.

Jennie Kim seen leaving the Venue of her private concert with girlfriend Lalisa Manoban, the famous photographer who has worked with Jennie for their recent documentary 'Heart In Seoul'.

I scrolled down to see the entire article. They even connected the dots of our first picture that was taken in Busan and the picture I posted. There were pictures from when we went for the promotion of her documentary together. We were looking at each other lovingly.

I sighed giving back the ipad to my manager and massaged my temple. I have to go live today for my debute anniversary and this will create a huge mess. Mr. Yang will not be happy. I'm actually surprised no one contacted to scold me as soon as the article came out.

"Why am I informed just now?" I asked confused.

"The thing is, this article was taken down by the website within minutes after posting. We are still not sure why they took it down. Some fans saw it and there are rumours that it is actually edited that's why they took it down."

"Why would they take it down." I asked more to myself than anyone else.

"I don't know either. But whatever the reason is, it's good for us. Anyday would be better than today for releasing that article."

I didn't reply to that because he is right. I checked my phone when it dinged continuously. I frowned when I saw a lot of messages from Lisa.

My eyes widen when I saw what they were about. Her family's trusted publicist send her the copy of that article. Informing that they took it down anonymously. She was panicking over the text and apologizing for something she didn't have a control over.

"Heyy it's okay. I'm fine. Everything is fine. I'll call you as soon as I am alone." I texted her in a hurry because we are almost near my company's building.

Now I know why that article was unpublished. It's not a surprise actually. There is no information about any of the Brüschweilers on internet.

A lot of my fans were waiting for me outside the  company. It was heartwarming to see them come here just to wish me for my debute anniversary. I tried to smile at all of them as I was ushered in the building in the shield of many bodyguards.

I was called by Mr. Yang and he lectured me about that article. I had a bored expression the whole time he talked.

During my live I saw a few comments about that article. A lot of people were supportive, but some were spreading hate too. I just ignored them and talked about my tour and a few spoilers about the songs I'm working on. I'm actually planning to go on a longer break this time. Maybe I'll just released new songs but no tours for a while.


I had a private party at a club. I invited all my friends from the industry and ofcourse Lisa and our friends were invited too.

During our phone call Lisa and I decided that we can't hide our relationship forever when we both are famous. And it's better that people know me as Lisa Manoban's girlfriend instead of LM.

Lisa and her friends were the first ones to come. Jisoo Chaeyoung Seulgi Irene came with Lisa. Bambam and Jackson came next with their group members. Everyone else came too one by one.

I took my time to welcome as them before I joined the real party.

I made my way towards where Lisa and her friends were. Lisa smiled when she saw me and she made space for me to sit beside her.

I rested my head on her shoulder as she wrapped her arm around my waist kissing my head lovingly.

"Did you forget you're in public and everyone can see you?" Jisoo unnie said as she pulled Chaeyoung with her to cover Lisa and me from everyone else.

I just waved my hand in front of her. "It's okay unnie. I'm done with the tour and we have nothing to hide anyway."

"But Lisa you're-" Jisoo unnie said.

"I'm just Lisa Manoban, a photographer. nothing else." Lisa cut in with an authoritative voice. I had goosebumps when I heard her voice. She was so intimidating. I'm wet.

"Alright" Jisoo unnie said with hands raised in surrender.

I turned to Lisa and asked her if she wants to dance with me. Her expressions softened as she turned her head towards me. Within minutes our whole group was on the dance floor.

We danced so much that everyone who was slightly drunk among us was already sober. People joined after us and left the dance floor but all of us were still there dancing.

I introduced Lisa as my girlfriend to some of my friends who joined us at the dance floor and they were all happy to meet her.

I wrapped my arms around Lisa's shoulder and got closer to her. She instinctively wrapped her arm around my waist tightly and smiled and we slowed our movements a little. I gave my phone to Rosie and asked her to take a picture of Lisa and I. She took a lot with different angles. They were all pretty.

Everyone in this club knew about Lisa and I as of now.

"I'm so happy today." I said near her ear as we were literally hugging each other while slow dancing on a pop song.

"Because you get to enjoy your vacation now?" She asked me back.

"No pabo. Because I can hold your hand in public and not care about anyone seeing."

She pulled back and smiled showing her teeth. "I'm happy too because I can finally tell everyone that you're mine." She closed the distance and kiss me on the lips in the middle of dance floor.

She did tell everyone that I'm hers right here right now.

****AN'Cause we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance

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'Cause we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance

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