24. it's a plan

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As soon as Jennie and Lisa took the first turn in the maze. Lisa puts her hand on Jennie's back and holds her hand with the other one.

"Just follow my lead" she said and continued walking. 

After a few moments of silence. "You are unusually quite today" Jennie asked.

"Says the one who is silent since she put her blindfold on." Lisa replied "Also you talk way more in text. Are you shy or something Miss Kim" Jennie could hear the playful tone of Lisa.

"I'm not. It's just I don't know what to say" Jennie said

"Okayyyy. Tell me something about yourself than. I would love to know you. You know the you behind camera. Something that your FRIEND should know about you." Lisa said

"I don't have anything interesting to tell you. Everything I do is always out there. My favorite color, Pink. My Favorite brand, Chanel. My favorite animal, Capybara. The number I like the most, 3. Favorite food, anything Korean. Where I studied and how.." Jennie said

"Okay I get it Miss popular. But yeah I didn't knew most of them. Just knew about Chanel and Pink." Lisa said. "I can find this all through internet. I wanted to know something about You, the person I am with right now. Not the famous K-pop artist."

"You know what let me just ask you some questions" Lisa said

"As you wish. Go on." Jennie replied

"What is the most embarrassing thing you have done on a date?" Lisa said

"Can never been on a proper date be considered as the most embarrassing thing?" Jennie said with sarcasm. 

"Wait" Lisa said and stopped walking "You have never been on a date?" She asked as she looked at Jennie who couldn't look at her back.

"Nope" Jennie said with a pop sound. "Never had time to think about it" Jennie continued "What about you?"

Lisa started walking again while thinking "I have only been on a few blind dates, my friends forced me too. And to be honest all of them were embarrassing. But there was one where they set me up with this girl and we went on this nice restaurant she suggested. Our server leaned in to me and said, You're the third on this week. I didn't know what to do and how to react. It was the most awkward date of my entire life. That was the last straw, never been on a date after that."

Jennie burst out laughing. "You know I'm glad I didn't entertain my friends idea for blind dates"

"Lucky you." Lisa said "But I am surprised to know you never dated. So all the rumors about you with other artists are just rumors?" 

"Yup. Most of them were just friendly dinner" Jennie replied "It's been a while since we have been walking. Are we not there yet?"

"You want me to be honest or not?" Lisa asked

"Don't tell me we are lost." Jennie said with the tone of disbelief

"Nope. Not at all" Lisa said "But we may have passed through the exit a few moments ago" Lisa said and removed the blindfold from Jennie's eyes. 

Jennie closed her eyes because of the sudden light. Lisa stood between Jennie and the sun to block the light.

"We are the first" Lisa said with a bright smile on her face. "And no one got hurt while we were in there" her smile turned into a smirk soon.

"Whatever" Jennie said and flicked Lisa's forehead.

Jennie went ahead and sat on an empty bench. Soon enough Lisa came with two bottles of water and gave one to Jennie.

Jennie thanked her and took a sip from her bottle. "Who do you think will be next?* Jennie asked

"I Think Seulgi and Irene. What do you think?" Lisa said.

"Me too. It was obvious. Difficult question is who will be the last. Jisoo and Rosie had a bag full of snacks with them, And Jackson and Bambam keeps on arguing" Jennie and Lisa laughed thinking about their friends antiques

"So when are you going back to Seoul?" Lisa asked

"1st April. What about you??* Jennie asked.

"Rosie and I will be leaving day after tomorrow" Lisa replied excitedly

"Only you two?" Jennie asked again

"Ahaan. We're not going back to Seoul. We will be traveling some rural parts of the country for the documentary." Lisa replied

"Ohh." That was the only thing Jennie said. A little sad that Lisa will be gone for don't know how long.

Jennie felt her heartache at the thought of Lisa leaving. At the spur of the moment she decided to tell Lisa.

"I was thinking, about your offer for the documentary" Jennie said and looked at Lisa for her reaction who was not looking at her intently.

"Go on" Lisa said

"And I might be considering it" Jennie saw how Lisa's smile grew. "Maybe we can sit together and talk about all the terms and conditions with my manager. I'll have to tell them about this, it's in my contract to get approval for anything I do outside company which includes any kind off public interaction."

"Alright. We can do that" Lisa replied happily. "Can we arrange a meeting tomorrow. You know rosie and I will be leaving after that. If we discuss the details tomorrow you can get the approval from your company till we get back"

"It's a plan" Jennie said smiling.

Soon enough all their friends came out. Rosie and Jisoo lost because they didn't came out until they finished all their snacks.

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