57. Heart want what it wants

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The entire lunch time and after tea time was filled with jokes and laughters. Jennie did manage to get out some embarrassing stories of Lisa's childhood which was just cheery on the top.

"Sorry Jennie, I will have to go now for an important business meeting. I wish we could have spent more time together." Marco said

"It's okay Uncle. I also enjoyed talking with you alot. And you're definately more handsome than Lisa." Jennie teased Lisa again as this was one of the topics they fought over lunch.

Lisa whined again mumbling incoherent words under her breath which no one understood.

Marco laughed loudly and hugged Jennie one last time before leaving. Chittip also excused herself to see off her husband so it was just the two of them for now.

"So I'm not Handsome?" Lisa spoke coming forward dangerously close to Jennie.

Jennie took a few steps back but still had a teasing smile. "I didn't say anything like that."

"But now I'm not the most handsome person in your life." Lisa came closer to Jennie in an instant and hold her by waist. Stopping her from any attempts of running away.

"You were not the most handsome person in my life even before." Jennie bit her lower lip at the admission and enjoying the reaction that she received.

Lisa had a confused look on her face as she thought who is the fucking person that Jennie admires. She just raised an eyebrow asking for an explanation silently.

"My Dad is the most handsome man in my life." Jennie showed her bright smile. Contended that she successfully made Lisa a lil bit jealous.

"Good for him." She heard Lisa say.


"I mean it good that it's him. If it was someone else than" Lisa said and shrugged leaving the rest of her sentence in the air. She didn't have to finish it though. It's nothing good anyway.

"But if I'm not the most handsome than why do you like me" Lisa raised an eyebrow in question.

Jennie readied herself to butter her girl. She wrapped her arms around Lisa's shoulder and came closer just inches away from her face.

"Hmm.. apart from just you being you which I love the most.. You're the most beautifully Handsome person in my life." Lisa had a huge smile on her face. It was impossible for her to stop that.

"And for a fact you're exactly my type. A little taller from me just how I like." Jennie continued coaxing her girlfriend. "I like the height difference. We definately look good when we kiss." Jennie tip toed and pecked Lisa on the lips.

"I love your doe eyes, I feel like drowning in them. And I love your broad shoulders." Jennie roamed her hands around Lisa's shoulder down to her hands.

"I love YOU" Jennie emphasized the 'you' "Your heart, mind, body and soul. The whole you."

"And I love YOU too" Lisa pulled Jennie in for a kiss. They kissed each other passionately, forgetting about everything and everyone.


After seeing off Marco, I made my way back to the family dining room.

When I came back I heard them talking. It's not like I wanted to evesdrop or anything. The topic just took my interest.

I heard Jennie telling Lisa how beautiful she looks and she complimented her. It warmed my heart to see them so inlove.

But the reality is different. Lisa is already arranged to someone else. It was her grandfathers last wish.

Marco and I had decided to do whatever Lisa likes. We know it would be a tough decision for her because she loved her grandpa so much that she would even ignore her happiness to fulfill his wish.

When they started to makeout in the middle of the dining room. I had to stop them. Not in my kitchen area babies.

They were two awkwardly cute shy kids who were caught red handed. Soo cute. I wish Lisa chooses to follow her heart when the time comes.

"Lisa why don't you tour Jennie around? I know she would like to see your room." I suggested and they were really happy for a distraction at this moment that they agreed instantly. But I was not letting them off the hook that easily.

"And No funny business girls. The whole house is filled with hidden cameras." I winked at them. Lisa already knows that only the formal area and halls have cameras. Private dining room and living room doesn't have one. And definately we don't want to give a show to the security by installing one in our bedrooms.

They hurriedly made their way up the stairs. I laughed at their actions and called my husband Marco who is meeting with Uncle Kim.

They are going to discuss about their upcoming project in Korea. When Lisa requested us to stay in korea and learn the company work there it was impossible for us to say no.

She always loved Korea and now there is Jennie too. At some point when we found out about Jennie we knew this was coming.

So we decided to do a project in Seoul with our oldest partners, Kim Corporation. Lisa will handle it and learn from the best person in Korea, The great Kim sung-hoon.

"Are you sure you want to tell them about Lisa and her girlfriend?"

"Yeah. They deserve to know. I know my daughter will choose HER over anything." Marco replied

"Okay. But I want you to hide Jennie's identify. Kim's are very influential in Korea. Jennie is a sweet girl, I don't want anything bad happening to her, if by any chance this meeting doesn't go well."

"Ofcourse we will protect her dear. She's going to be our future daughter in-law." Marco and I laughed. He really likes that girl for our Lisa too.

"It's no surprise you approve. She buttered you by saying the you're more handsome than my Lisa."

"She has good eyes too." He joked

"Yeah she does. That's why she saw the real beauty of our baby and accepted everything about her."

"I'm so happy for Lisa. I'll do everything I can for today's meeting to go well." Marco said determined.

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