11. Curious Kitten

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I was looking at her picture, which I found on her Instagram account

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I was looking at her picture, which I found on her Instagram account. I told ya Google knows everything and everyone. We just have to know the right keyword to look for it.

So here I'm finally realising where I have seen her. I love art and I have always loved the pictures she took. Before debuting I checked her posts quite often and the captions were amazing. She always tried to explain the story behind the picture.

There were only a few times she had posted her pics on her Instagram account. And it's always with her cats, yup with s. There are actually four of them. Leo, Luca, Lily and Louis. I hope the order is correct.

I know what some of you people are thinking it's not like I'm stalking her or anything. I'm just curious. And you know the saying right???


Even though I got excited to find about HER a while ago and lost my sleep. I was still sleepy and tired and now I'm blaming my sleepiness because, it was totally a mistake I closed my eye for just a second and my freaking index finger decided to take a teeny tiny nap in that particular second and, I pressed the follow button on her profile.

Oh God please help me

It was just for a milisecond, I hope no one noticed. But being a public figure has it's disadvantages. I wish jen fan is a bit slow in this one and leave it.

This will be the hot topic tomorrow if someone notices, after that airport video, people will definitely find a connection and than there will be alot of false rumours.


Rosie and I finally moved to our new apartment and the view is so much better than I imagined. It was already late at night, because bambam wanted to celebrate. So yup we went to party.

Well I have never wanted to take my hobby to do something like this, which will involve everything a normal person with photography as profession do. I will be living a dream for the next few months with photography as my profession. My parents already know about this and they fully support me. They want me to do whatever I want without any tension about the company.

I have been given time for myself. So I can live my life like I want, hence all the travel and photography, before i start working in our company. I'll be 23 in a few days and I have one more year to do whatever I want. If you are wondering I already have my master's degree in business management.

I graduated in a year because of my intelligence, when I was 19. And I went to Harvard for masters. They didn't allow me to skip, so I spent 2 years there. And it was amazing, I learned alot there and met amazing people. I used to attend classes from all different courses sometimes just for fun with my friends. Except for Chaeyoung and bambam, I only have a few friends, I met at Harvards.

As I was done with my night routine. I laid down on my new bed, in my new room, in my new apartment. It feels like heaven here. Floor to ceiling window just in front of my bed and on the right side too. I can look outside whenever I want.

I decided to take a picture of the view for my Instagram. It's been a few weeks since I have posted anything, except for that apology story.

 It's been a few weeks since I have posted anything, except for that apology story

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*caption - Hello city, your lights are fireflies in my heart❤️*

I posted the picture with a copied caption in the end. I was lazy to write something on my own so I decided to get a little bit help from Google. And this caption felt like it was meant to be for this picture. Like I'm introducing myself to Seoul and it's affect on my heart. Yup I feel at home here.

After posting I scrolled a little and replied to the comments from my friends. They were just being a bunch of dorks in my comments, had to stop them.

Tomorrow we will be starting our little journey for this documentary. I'm so excited that I can't even sleep. But I had to, I want to give my all to this project and I can't slack off on the very first day.

Heart in Seoul - Jenlisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now