19. Banter

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Can I say that I didn't expect to see her here??. Well unexpectedly meeting at Seoul was shocking to say the least. Now we are meeting outside Seoul too. We did met in Japan first though. Whatever.

It was a short ride to the Udo island. Lisa and I didn't talk much because everyone's attention was on me and Jisoo unnie. They were all happy to see us again and kept talking to us.

We went to the beach first once we reached Udo island. I was resting on a beach mat with Rosie, Irene and Jisoo Unnie. The boys were playing volleyball with the rest of the tourists and Seulgi was helping Lisa with the shoot.

Soon they came back leaving Andrew and Chloe to enjoy sometime alone.

"Done with the shoot?" I asked Lisa when she took the place beside me, because Jisoo was already beside Rosie to steal her snacks.

"Yup. It's actually the last segment of their part in the documentary." She replied

"Oh" I didn't had anything else to say. So we were silent for a while.

"Are you guys joining us" Irene asked, when everyone was already on their way to the water.

"Nope. I'm kinda tired" Lisa replied with her eyes close. She was already laying down on the mat.

Irene raise an eyebrow towards me. "I'm fine too" I said because for some reasons I wanted to stay with Lisa.

"You know you can join them. don't worry about me" she said, still eyes closed.

"You think too highly of yourself Lisa" I fake scoffed at her. She is too cocky sometimes.

"So you're saying you are not here for me??" She asked innocently while giving me puppy eyes.

"Nope" I said with a pop sound. Trying to stop the smile on my face because of her expressions afterward.

"You are mean you know" she pouted and mumbled something.

"And you are dramatic you know" I said with a smirk.

"You didn't just said that" she said with wide eye. "You're a dwarf you know"

"Hey where did that came from you- you Monkey" I was shocked. I'm not that short to be called a dwarf she's just a few inches taller than me.

"Who are you calling Monkey you Kitten" I gasped at her response.

"You're a sulking monkey" I said "and a dork" I continued "and you're mean too" I said dramatically while pouting because I was loosing.

"Who's being dramatic now??" She raised an eyebrow. "And you're a stalking kitten" she said nonchalantly

"Heyyy... You're you're" I was thinking for a response when

"You're just too good to be true" I heard our friends singing at the back. "Can't take my eyes off of you" I didn't even notice them coming back so soon. "You'd be like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much" Seulgi and Irene dramatically hugged each other.

"At long last love has arrived" this time the voice came from my side too along with others "and I thank God I'm alive" Lisa has such a nice voice "you're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you" she finished while looking at me for the last lines.

I blushed and looked away from her when she directly looked into my eyes and sang the last two lines.

"Ahhh Jennie is blushing" my dork of a unnie shouted to tell everyone. I had to cover my face because of embarrassment. And this Lisa was laughing beside me too.


I felt proud of myself for making her blush. I love the effect I have on her. Ahh she is so adorable. And I enjoyed our little banter too much.

I enjoy her company so much. I have never felt like this before with anyone. I love teasing her and getting various reactions from her. She is so composed and confident on stage. And look at her now being all shy and adorable.

I admit that I may have a teeny tiny mini miney crush on her. But there are no chances she will reciprocate the feelings. She can get anyone she wants. And I'm just me.

I didn't notice that I was staring at her for too long. When someone waved a hand in front of my face.

"Why are you looking at Jennie like that. Are you falling in looovvvveeee Lisa" Seulgi asked in a sing-song voice. Thank god she only whispered it so no one else heard.

I tackled her on the ground immediately. "I'm not" I said. Even I was not convinced with the way I voiced that out.

"Of course you're not" she said "Cause you're already fallen" she continued and laughed while I strangled her. "Shut up you idiot" Lisa said

Thank God Irene called her or I might have murdered her. "Let's talk later Lisa" she said before leaving.

I could see Jennie looking at us with amusement and my heart skipped a beat when our eyes met. I should stop these feelings before I get hurt. But how when we always keep meeting like this.

Heart in Seoul - Jenlisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now