51. Hidden Tattoo

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I'm here posing as Lisa took pictures of me. She looks so hot when she is all serious and working.

I gave some sexy poses in the end and saw how she gulped. Professional.

I went near her to look at the pictures she took and purposefully stood close to her.

"You're truly amazing.. these shots are so good." I couldn't help but admire her skills. She took a lot of good shots throughout the concert.

It's only us in my dressing room. My head bodyguard and manager oppa already know that Lisa and I are in a relationship. And after I sang a song for her they increased the security so no unnecessary people can come inside especially when we are together.

"Because you're in them... Any picture with Jennie Kim in it is amazing."

I blushed a little. "You give me too much credit." I kept looking at the pictures in her camera.

"Do I?" She moved in front of me and pulled me closer to her by waist. Her camera still in between us in my hands.

I gave a single nod with a small 'Mmhmm' as a response looking at her amused expressions now.

"If I'm already accused than I can give all the credits I want to you now." She wiggled her eyebrows animatedly which made me laugh. "Hmm... First of all you are so sexy Jennie that I can't take my eyes off of you everytime I see you, you turn me on by just swaying this amazing body of yours."

She took the camera from me and put it on the table before she started Swaying our bodies like a slow dance. I held her shoulders automatically.

"And you're so Hot. I mean just look at you and your eleven line abs." She looked down at my abdomen between us slowly caressing my 'eleven line abs' with one of her hands.

She bought her hand up on my face and caressed my left eyebrow "And I love this cute little mole of yours." She came close and kissed it.

"And I absolutely love this tattoo you got right here."

I felt hot all of a sudden as her other hand played with the waistband of my shorts. "How can I forget about this one." She whispered seductively and pulled the right side of my shorts down. Enough to show her the only tattoo on my body which no one has ever seen. Except her.

I felt shiver all over my body when she brushed her fingers on the small tattoo.

I felt shiver all over my body when she brushed her fingers on the small tattoo

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"I'm jealous of whoever carved it on you." She said before pulling her hand back from my shorts to the side of my waist. While her other hand played with my hairs.

"I love the way your skin feels so smooth and warm under my touch." She slide her hand from my head down my arm and hold my hand. "And how perfectly our hands fit together." She bought our intertwined hands up to her lips and kissed the back of mine.

"You love me for my body... Is that it Manoban." I replied accusingly but playfully.

"Everyone around you can see all these tempting qualities." she brushed off my accusation like it was nothing. "But what I love the most is the real you outside this industry. The Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, My Nini.

You're the strongest person I have ever met and you're smart, careing, loving and so talented in what you do.

I love your voice when you sing a song, and love it even more when the song is for me, in front of thousands of people." She wiggled her eyebrows as I rolled my eyes smiling.

She came close to me and whispered in my ear "I love your voice the most when it's ragged and you are moaning my name over and over again right before you cum all over me."

My breathing got heavier as I hugged her shoulders tightly feeling hot all over my body.

Did I tell you guys that Manoban here is an expert in dirty talking? The girl knows how to butter people into doing anything she wants.

And she's not all talk. I can guarantee.

She nibbled my earlobe before pulling back. Her face inches apart from mine. Just a little push and our lips will connect.

But before we could kiss there was a knock on the door.

"Jennie it's time for the meet-up with your fans." I heard my manager oppa shout from outside the door.

I sighed and we pulled away from each other.

"Just give me a minute" I shouted back before focusing back on Lisa.

I looked at her and tiptoed to kiss her once before whispering in her ear. "Look for my head bodyguard, James, he will take you to my car. I'll be there in a few." He is the same one who accompanied us to Busan and Lisa already know him because well he is always there.

She nodded and hugged me tightly. "You were fabulous out there" She said.


After a short meet up with the fans who were waiting for her, Jennie went straight to her car which will take them to her dorm.

It didn't took her long to be back in Lisa's arm. They talked about the show and Lisa pampered Jennie with light touch and kisses during their ride to Jennie's dorm.

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