73. Patient's Family

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A week passed and Jennie started to get bored doing nothing at Lisa's apartment. She was stuck there because there were paparazzi and reporters everywhere.

Her days were boring but she always waited for the clock to hit 6 because Lisa comes home around 6.

Today was different though. Lisa had to visit the site and she will come back home late. Jennie decided to call Rosie for dinner. She was free so she thought to have some bonding with her sister and friend.

She checked all the ingredients in the cupboards for gamjatang, kimchi friend rice and Samgyeopsal.

In the past, the kitchen in Lisa's apartment was only filled with ready to make food. Now Jennie can find all the ingredients she needs to cook. Cooking is a stress reliving activity for her.

She was done cooking at 7:30. Chaesoo will arrive after 8 so she still had time to get ready and get something to drink from the store nearby.

She quickly got dressed in 10 minutes, changing into comfortable clothes because it was just a small get together between friends. She took her phone and wallet and went straight for the store.

Not before wearing her mask and specs as a disguise and she took her hoodie to cover her hairs. It took her 5 minutes to reach the store and another 10 to get the drinks and to pay.



It was a very long day. Visiting the site was a literal headache, all the noise from machineries and people shouting as they gave instructions to each other.

I directly went home from there because it was already late and there was nothing important that needs my immediate attention. Mr. Kim and Jisoo took care of everything at office.

There was a huge crowd gathered just a block away from the apartment building. They were just random people but a few of them were taking pictures using their phone.

I felt a bit uneasy so I asked my driver to stop. Jack and I got out of the car a few meter away from the crowd.

Just as we stepped out we heard the Siren of an ambulance. The negative feeling only grew as the siren got louder and louder. Every other voice was blocked by my senses as I pushed the people and heard the siren.

My heartbeat got faster as I got closer and closer. Jack was in front of me making way. He suddenly stopped when he was in front and started giving instructions through his Bluetooth.

I was getting impatient and he was blocking my view. I couldn't get a word out because of the uneasiness feeling making it's home in my body.

I pushed Jack to the side and took a step ahead to see what's going on.

I stood there for a few seconds, shocked.

"Jennieeee..." I shouted so loudly that everyone around me got shocked.

There she was my beautiful girl covered in blood. She was laying on her side. It looked like she was bleeding from every part of her body. But the worst was her knee. She had alot of blood soaking her pants.

The paramedics were here and Jack had called other bodyguards of MB Group to assist. They pushed everyone back to give us space.

I was kneeling down beside her as they treated the few wounds that were bleeding too much and carried her to the ambulance.

I was afraid to even touch her when I saw her and the way they were treating her looked hurtful. I even shouted at them for being so rough but they just pushed me back.

I called her name over and over but it was of no use. She was unconscious from the moment I saw her.

"I will go with you" I told the paramedics. They just gave me weird looks but agreed. Jack came and told me that he will follow us.

"Take us to the KB Hospital." I told them. It was the first project between Kim's and Brüschweilers. KB Hospital was best in Korea. And luckily close to where we were.

I called Jack to inform him that we are going to the KB Hospital and asked him to inform James, Jennie's bodyguard. Since Jennie was always home, she excused her bodyguards for a while. Also my bodyguards can take over if she wants to go out. But she is a stubborn girl and avoids taking bodyguards with her.



Lisa sat on the ground and pulled her knees close to her chest. The tears she managed to hold back in before were now flowing freely. Her bodyguard Jack was standing at the end of the hallway, he already called the best doctor in the hospital to take charge.

Lisa didn't lift her head even when someone sat beside her engulfed her in a warm embrace. She gladly melted in her best friend's arms telling her how Jennie was lying lifeless in the middle of the road, covered with blood. She told her how hopeless she felt. How she couldn't do anything to take her pain away.

"Shhh... Jennie is one the strongest woman I know. She will be fine." Rosie tried to soothe her best friend. She was in a difficult situation because on one side it was her best friend and on the other side her girlfriend who was not showing any emotions.

Jisoo locked all the emotions she felt when she heard the news about her sister and appeared in the hospital with a straight face. Still you can see the pain in her eyes.

She took care of all the paper work and contacted her parents. Lisa's parents were already on their private jet. They heard the news about the accident through Jack and knew their daughter and the girl they consider as their daughter as well needs them.

After a while Lisa calmed down but didn't move from her position on the ground. She looked up when she heard another set of rushed footsteps. Mr. Kim Ji-young and his wife Sandara were rushing in their direction.

Lisa stood up and saw how Mrs. Kim hugged her elder daughter and cried on her shoulder.

Uncle Kim came in front of Lisa and pulled her in an unexpected hug. She hugged him back and a new set of tears left her eyes. He was just like Jisoo not showing any emotions.

The operation went for no one knows how many hours but when the doctor came out they all rushed towards him.

"Who's the family of patient?" The doctor asked looking at the patients chart.

"I'm her father." Mr. Kim said

"I'm her girlfriend." Lisa said

"I'm her sister." Jisoo said

"I'm her mother." Mrs. Kim said

The doctor looked at Mr. Kim and bowed acknowledging the founder's son of the hospital. He looked at all of them one by one and raised an eyebrow at Rosie, she was the only one who didn't say anything. "I'm her friend" she said shyly and the doctor nodded.

"Ahem alright. Miss Kim Jennje had a knee surgery. Her right knee took the hit from the car and we had to implant a new one. In total knee replacement, damaged bone and cartilage are removed and replaced with metal components that recreate the surface of the joint.

As soon as she wakes up we will start her therapy. It will take almost 3 months for her to recover. Even after that she should avoid putting too much weight on her leg for a year.

She hit her head slightly, their might be minor concussions, Other than that she had a few cuts and bruises, nothing serious.

She will be fine and you can take her home in a week. We will inform you about her therapy schedule soon."

"Thankyou doctor." Mr. Kim, Jisoo and Lisa said in unison.

"Get my daughter the best room in this hospital. I want her to be comfortable." Mr. Kim said

"We will transfer her to one of the VVIP room on 7th floor." Mr. Kim nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Kim and Rosie were already crying together and consoling each other after hearing about Jennie's knee surgery.

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