81. Kim's Torture Room

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Mr. Kim and Jisoo were amazed when they heard that Lisa already found the person who caused Jennie's accident. The police wasted a week to find nothing but a driverless car. They both went to the Kim's torture room that was build by Grandpa Kim.

No billionaire is innocent. The Kim's were one of the cleanest with no murder record. Other big companies have removed obstacles to climb the ladder. Why do you think these people keep so many bodyguards to protect themselves?

They were greeted by the scream of a person, Grandpa Kim was already playing with the new toy in his torture chamber.

"Dad. Why are you here?" Ji-young kim asked his father.

"Even if no one tells me, I still know what he did to Jennie. What I am doing to him is nothing in front of what she had to go through." Sung-Hoon said and gestured his man to push the toy back in the ice cold water.

"Call me when you're done grandpa. I want to try something new this time." Jisoo said smirking thinking about what she will do to this guy. If you think Jisoo is just a funny innocent loving unnie, well think again, she is your worst nightmare if catches you after you hurt someone she love.

"Will do." Grandpa kim said and continued enjoying the show. Ji-young and Jisoo went back to the mansion which was not so far from the torture room.



I stayed in the Layer for atleast 2 more hours to find dirt about the culprit. Her father is on a high position in military and is very influential in Korea, that's how she was able to get Seung hyuk out of the rehab center. I can't believe that we have been followed for so long.

I asked KIA to hack her phone and look for any text or call or search about Jennie or me. She started following me during the promotions of Heart in Seoul. But the good part was she did not follow us outside Seoul.

Most of the time she followed me only, maybe because Jennie was busy with her tours and when she was in Seoul we would spend time in her dorm or my apartment.

She must have found the location of my apartment by following me everywhere. But she never followed me to headquarters, so she didn't knew I was LM.

She had a folder with my pictures in her phone. There were hundred of them. Just me walking on the road, or eating at a cafe or taking pictures.

I'm worried because she tried to hurt Jennie because of me. What if MB Groups enemies tries to pull something like this too and hurt Jennie because everyone knows my identity and my relationship with her now.



The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her but I didn't knew anything about her at that time. I saw her again when her documentary 'Heart In Seoul' was released with a picture of her on the newspaper, her name was Lisa. She looked so good, that I couldn't take my eyes off of that picture for hours.

After that I followed her through the promotions and everywhere she went in Seoul. I knew everywhere she went even though I didn't follow her.

Her trip to Busan with Jennie on Christmas. Her trip to Thailand to attend Jennie's concert. Her going to Japan for Jennie's birthday. And her trip to I don't know where with Jennie on her birthday.

I was so Jealous of Jennie Kim. But I just ignored it for the meantime. I thought they were just messing around. That's what Idols do right? No one, as popular as Jennie, would sabotage their career just for the sake of love. And they always travelled by hiding so it just proved my theory right.

But when I followed Lisa to Jennie's private concert in Seoul on 7th August and heard her shout 'Jennie is Mine. Marry me Jennie', I knew I had to do something. Jennie will get in between Lisa and I. And Jennie's post the next morning was the last straw. I could hold my anger for her anymore.

I had to wait for a whole week to execute my plan and that too failed. Well not totally failed. I got to know that my Lisa is actually the CEO of MB Groups headquarters in Seoul. It was so hard to find anything about Lisa.

But that Jennie still survived. I paid that dickhead Seung-hyuk so much just to break one leg? Hell no.... I wanted to finish what we started but the security was so tight and my father suggested me to lay low after knowing Lisa's identity.

Even though I'm happy to find something new about her, my dad is worried because she is the daughter of the richest man in Asia.

He even suggested me to forget about her and wants me to move to abroad and let him handle everything here.

I had no choice but to follow his order after our people got caught.

"I will come back for you LM." I mumbled sitting comfortably in my seat on the plane to London.

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