28. Doesn't have much time left

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Today is 10th April and I'm currently in a meeting with my management at the company.

All of us came back from Jeju Island a few days after Lisa's birthday. As Lisa and I decided we discussed about the contract details the next day of her birthday. And she went with Rosie for her shoot at the rural areas in Korea. 

They came back yesterday and she is on her way right now for the contract signing. We will officially be partners for this documentary. 

She insisted on making me a partner just like Rosie as she said I will be a huge part of this project. And simply because she wanted me to be. She said as I am Korean and lived here for a while now my opinions in this documentary will be important. I am happy to be a part of this project too, I also love my country and through this documentary I can actually show that.

Soon Lisa and Rosie came to the company for signing the contract. It did not take much time as we had already discussed the details. They went through the contract once and than signed it without much saying. 

As I was on leave I also left the company along with Lisa and Rosie. They invited me to bond so we can work with each other with more ease. 

As this will be my personal project I don't need my manager to follow us or know about the project. The only thing they will be involved in is after the project is complete. Majorly for the publicity and to look if there is anything that will harm my image as a singer or company's name.

"I never imagined we will be working with someone as famous as you are Jennie for this documentary" Rosie said with a smile as they all walked to a café nearby. "Now that you will be a part of this project, I know it will be huge success" She said smiling.

"I don't think so" I said with a smile on my face as they looked at me with confused expressions. "I mean even if I was not a part of this documentary I know it will still be a huge success."

"You do know that we started this project just because Lisa here had been inspired while looking outside her hotel room?" Rosie said and laughed "We were not even sure if we are going to promote it or not. We were just gonna post it on her Instagram. Only selling digital copies." 

"Hahaha I am sure it will still be popular. Lisa is not just someone. She is quite popular herself in the field of photography even though she is not a professional." I finished with a smile while looking at Lisa who was walking in front of us, not knowing we are talking about her. She was busy talking to someone on her phone.

"If you look at her like that anyone will think that you have feelings for her." Rosie said when I didn't move my gaze from Lisa

"I don't know how to explain this Rosie. Because you know I never had friends like you guys have. I know I feel something for her and I want to explore that feeling before taking any action on it. What if its just simple admiration? Or maybe because I am just comfortable around her." I said and Rosie seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Hmm You are right. You should know what you feel first before anything else." she smiled while looking at me. "But don't take too long though. Lisa doesn't stay in one place for too long. Even though she loves Korea, No one can guarantee that she will still be here after this documentary is complete. She doesn't have much time left and she wants to travel as much as she can." this time Rosie was looking at Lisa while smiling.

"Huh..." I said with a confused expressions "What do you mean by doesn't have much time?? You do know what this sounds like?" I asked her while worryingly looking at Lisa. Is she sick?

"Oh My God!! That came out wrong." Rosie said and laughed "There is nothing wrong with her. She is absolutely fine. As healthy as a person can be." She laughed some more and we saw Lisa looking back giving Rosie weird look as she laughed too loud while walking in the street.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just Lisa has until she turns 24 before she joins her family company. Unlike Seulgi, Irene and I, Lisa wanted to do something she loves before working in her company. She is the strongest among us." Rosie said and looked at Lisa with a proud smile, like she was brave to make a decision like this.

"I see" it was the only thing I could say at that time. I was thinking. A lot of thinking. Lisa will be going soon? Is it worth giving a try if she will eventually leave? What if somehow we both get in a relationship, will she leave everything to stay here with me?

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