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This cute little kitten was already asleep in my arms when I looked at her. I shook my head smiling. Even though she was tired she did all this for me.

I tried to wake her up to atleast get dressed but she didn't budge. So I just laid her down on the small desk. She is so tiny.

I quickly got dressed before helping her get dressed too. I fixed our hairs and her makeup as much as I could before calling her manager to get her car ready.

I got my camera bag and everything else. She came empty handed. I don't know where her stuff is, I just hope her Manager oppa knows where it is.

Her manager came inside after knocking on the door, announcing his arrival. He looked at Jennie sleeping on my back and I saw a hint of smile on his face before it went back to a poker one.

"Follow me" he said while turning back towards the door. He didn't even looked back at us to see if we are following.

"Umm... Do you know where her stuff is?" I asked a bit awkwardly. We have never talked before.

"You don't have it with you?" He asked and finally looked back with a raised eyebrow. I just shook my head.

"I couldn't see if she bought anything with her. And there was nothing left in her practice room." I blushed slightly thinking about her sexy dance.

"Were you blind or something" he said sarcastically, I have a feeling he doesn't like me much, He just raised his eyebrow even more but didn't wait for a reply. "Let's just check her makeup room."

As soon as we entered the room I was already calling her number, so we don't have to look for her phone everywhere.

What shocked me was when someone picked up the call.

"Hii Lalisa... Why are you calling?" A cheerful voice spoke as soon as the call was picked.

I knew who it belonged too.

"Why do you have Jennie's phone unnie?" I asked directly.

"This is Jennie's?" She questioned herself. She's dumb sometimes. "Oh right she forgot her stuff here when she left to meet lisa in a hurry." She was talking to herself but atleast I got answer to my question as well.

"Waitttt... Did you enjoy your little private show??" Now her voice was teasing.

"What the... How do you know about that?" I asked shocked

"Of course I know, I helped her with the plan and distracted everyone so she can be with you." Jisoo said proudly.

"Well..." Lisa looked at the manager who was looking at her with a bored face. "Where are you right now? We were heading home soo."

"Right.. meet us at the exit.. Chaeyoung and I are waiting for the both of you." Jisoo said and ended the call.

Manager oppa was already making his way towards the exit. Did he hear everything else too? Holy Moly shit.


Jennie and I spend as much as we could before Jennie had to travel to texas, US for her next concert.

She will be traveling a lot now. For the entire next month Jennie will be in US and me? I will be in Korea working for our documentary. I have to co-operate with YG and finalize everything with the editors of YG, so I can't leave Korea even if I wants to. Not before the release of the documentary 'Heart In Seoul'

But Jennie will be back for the release. A day before Christmas eve. On 23rd, right after her concert in Amsterdam. It will be hectic and tiring for her because of the time difference. But we can't do anything for now.

I always visit my family for the Christmas but this year I can't. I never expected this documentary to take this long. If it was only Chaeyoung and me than it would have already been released. But with YG tagging along with us, the whole process is taking much longer.

But I'm not complaining. I got to meet Jennie because of this documentary.


Jennie and I are now travelling in her company's van to the airport. I just tagged along to see her off before she leaves.

She is hugging my waist as I hold her possessively by her shoulder. We will only see each other through videos calls after this. So I want to savour this moment.

"I'll call you everyday and you better pick it up in the first ring Manoban." She said with serious expressions.

"Yes Ma'am" I saluted and her expressions turned into a soft one.

She came closer and kissed me on the lips. As we were about to deepen the kiss we heard her manager cough from the front.

"We're here Miss Kim." He said formally and Jennie nodded in his direction.

"Just give us a few more minutes." With this both the driver and manager went out of the car.

She turned back to me and rested her forehead on mine.

"I'll miss you" I said and cupped her face with my hands.

"I'll miss you too." She said looking in my eyes.

We didn't say anything else. There was nothing to say actually. We already talked about this many times over the last few days.

We just revealed in the last few moments together. I took a deep breath before pulling back. It's time for her to go. But before I could fully move back she closed the distance between us and kissed me.

She poured all her emotions in that one kiss. It wasn't long but it was long enough to express all of our emotions.

"I love you" she said with a low voice.

"I love you more." I said back instantly and kissed her one last time before pulling away. She looked me in the eyes, sadness evident all over her face.

"All the best for your tour. I know you'll be great out there. I'll be waiting right here for you." I gave her the best smile I could. Even though I'm sad too I have to be strong for her. "Go Nini... you're fans are waiting for you." I pointed outside the window where we can see a lot of people point their phones and cameras toward the vehicle.

She bit her lower lip and looked at me again. "I-I will call you as soon as we reach there."

"Take your time. I'm not going anywhere." She nodded weakly like all her strength is taken from her.

I hugged her to give her some strength. She hugged me instantly not even a moment passed by as her arms wrapped around me.

I pulled back and kissed her forehead before moving to the back seat so people can't see me from outside. I knocked on the window twice and her bodyguard opened the door for Jennie to get out.

She looked at me, I saw loneliness in her eyes. "I'm always with you right here." I whispered and gestured towards her heart. She nodded and took a deep breath before going out of the vehicle.

She didn't look back after that. But with the reaction of the fans I knew she was doing great and she will be fine eventually.

It's only matter of time before we see each other again.

Heart in Seoul - Jenlisa G!PWhere stories live. Discover now