34. Confession

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Today is our last day in Busan. We will be going back tomorrow morning. Yesterday night was quite interesting. I was surprised by my behavior. And how Jealous I was when that girl was near my Lisa.

Not to mention how good Lisa looked in all black outfit. I'm still kind off upset because she didn't push the girl away. I don't know what's going on in her mind. Sometimes she is all sweet and caring than something like that happens.

I can't look Lisa in the eye. One because of how I acted last night and I was rude to her the entire night. Second because I am shy, I have never been this possessive over someone or something or anything. Third, I like her and I don't know how long I can keep these feelings to myself.

I'm wearing a simple white top paired with dark grey pants and a grey long coat today.

I'm wearing a simple white top paired with dark grey pants and a grey long coat today

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We are going a little far from where our family house is today. We woke up late but no one had a hangover, just light headache. Lisa didn't let anyone drink even though she was afraid for her life last night.

We went out at around 11am. We went to Busan tower first to get a few shots. Because Lisa loves heights. Than we went to the Gamcheon Culture Village. It was a stunning, kaleidoscopically colored village. If it had the means, your Instagram would pat you on the back for the gift of this picture.

 Gamcheon's houses are all painted different colours, and within them, tiny streets and steep stairways lead you to street art a-go-go, with public sculptures scattered throughout. This place was like heaven for people who love photography. 

We stayed there for quite sometime. Had local street food for lunch and to tell you it was really delicious. Lisa took a lot of pictures of street art and the sunset. It was really a breathtaking view. I'm glad I joined Lisa in her adventure. I'm seeing Korea with a new point of view and it's amazing.

 I'm seeing Korea with a new point of view and it's amazing

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After Gamcheon, we went to Nampo dong Market. Nampodong Market is the 3rd largest market of South Korea, which has an abundance of lip-smacking Korean dishes.

We were done with the shoot and all of us were hungry because of all the walking in Gamcheon. So here we are to eat and to relax without any worries. 

Lisa and I are sitting together at one of the stalls and the two are god knows where. They have taken an oath to taste everything this market has to offer. So here we are left alone with a bit awkwardness because of yesterday's events.

"Are you still mad at me?" Lisa asked with a low voice like she is afraid. And now I feel more bad for ignoring her almost the whole day.

"No it's just..." Jennie let out a long breath "It's just I am sorry" Jennie said and looked away from Lisa "I-I'm sorry for how I acted last night. I don't have any explanation to justify my actions."

"You don't have to apologize. I should be the one thanking you for you know saving me from that girl." Lisa said scratching her nape.

"I could have done that without being rude to you and everyone else." Lisa took my hand in hers and it made me feel a little better. 

"Hey look at me." she said, "You should know you don't have anything to apologize for. I, Jennie I-I am happy that you acted the way you did. I mean I'm not happy that you were mad at me because I can't handle not talking to you. But you know you were kind off possessive last night.." she said a bit worried of what I might think. But I don't know what to say, I mean she is right. Did I let too much emotions out last night. She still continued when I didn't say anything. She was a bit tensed but still continued. 

"Can we Umm.. Talk somewhere more private?" She said looking around us. I just nodded because it was a little crowded there. So we walked for a while in silent. Lisa was fidgeting the whole time. It's kind of amusing to look at her in that state.

Soon we were at a park near the market with one of the bodyguard tailing us. "Can you give us some privacy? We will be right there at the bench." I told the guard who nodded and went away from where he can look at us but still far enough to be out of earshot.

I lead us to the bench and sat down. Lisa followed my action and also sat beside me. I turned in my seat to look at her.

"Lisa. Are you okay? You are sweating a lot." I was worried because it's cold here. I hold her hand and scoot a little closer to her. "You know you can talk to me about anything. We are friends right?" 


Uhgg Lisa get your shit together. This is your chance, you can do it.

If you are wondering what I am talking about. Well I planned to tell her about my feeling today. I had a pretty intense conversation with Rosie last night. After coming back home she kind off made me realize or should I say accept that the way Jennie acted was because she like me too. I had a feeling that the way she acted was a bit over. But now that I think about the possibility of her liking me. It is obvious to feel protective or possessive. I would have done the same too.

And now here I am ready to confess.

"I'm okay. Just give me a sec." I said and focused on taking deep breath to calm my nerves. I focused on how her hand fits on mine, how warm her hand feels in this cold night. I guess it's now or never.

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