6. Second Time

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I didn't expect my sister to be waiting for me in the car at the airport. I had to apologize to manager oppa because we can't discuss my schedule now. I booked a cab for him as an apology and told him that I will mail him about my schedule.

I hugged my Jisoo unnie as soon as I entered the car. I missed her a lot. We talked and talked the entire ride. We are never out of topics. Eventually she asked me about my flight, which should actually be the first thing to ask. She is weird sometime. So I told her about my flight, that I hated it like always but actually less than usual because I was thinking about the girl who bumped into me and I was distracted to feel nausea. I feel like I have seen her before but I don't know where. I told her about the girl too and she got worried a little. But I told her not to worry because I was not hurt at all.

We actually reached our destination really fast. It takes more than an hour to reach our house, I looked out of the window only to see we stopped at a restaurant. My sister has booked a VIP room for our family reunion.

We went to the VIP room and waited for our parents. Seoul traffic is no joke especially at this time. I checked my social media account on Instagram. Which is the only account that only I have access to. All my accounts on any other social media sites are handled my the manager and the management at YG. Instagram is my personal space. I still have to go through my manager to post something but I have full privacy here. I am really addicted to Instagram, I really love scrolling through my feed and looking at the fan made videos and various edits my fans make for me. I have the best fandom ever.

While scrolling through my feed I came across the video from the airport in japan, where that girl bumped into me. I can see her face clearly now and I can tell she is really beautifully handsome. Well I admire art and beauty and there is NO denying that the girl is pretty. And I still think I have seen her somewhere before. I showed my sister the video and asked her if she knows this girl but she don't. Uhgg Who are you stranger?? Why do I keep thinking about you??

After a while my parents arrived and we talked and caught up to each other lives. It's nice to talk to them after so long, they are soo good looking even in their late 40s. And so in love after 26 years of marriage. Atleast my grandpa did one good thing by choosing the right partner for my dad. Yeah they had an arrange marriage but they already knew each other before the bomb dropped on them. Call it destiny or whatever but they were in love with each other before they were told that they were arranged to each other.

I have always been the romantic type. Busy schedule, lots of travelling and people in industry is the reason why I never dated. In this industry everyone I bump into is selfish and they don't love anything else but fame and money. People are far in the end of their priority list.

After the Oh so wonderful dinner, and of course the company of my family, my parents offered to pay for the dinner. They always do, we are still their little girls even though we earn millions on our own now. they never let us pay whenever we are with them. I went to washroom before leaving this place because it was a long ride home. Yes home, I am going to live with my parents and sister for a few days. Because I have no commitments for the next week and my parents are staying here in Korea for a week. I already have clothes there and so I will just ask someone to take my luggage in my apartment provided by the company.

I did my business in the washroom and started to fix my makeup a little. Looks are everything for a celebrity, It feels like we are supposed to wake up with perfect fluffy hair and that shinny eyes and bright smile. It's definitely not like that, because I wake up with messed up hairs and restless face. I always have a tight schedule and only manage to get sleep well on the weekends or off days.

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