31. Blushing Mess

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I was in kitchen to get some water. After I got a bottle I started going back outside but there I saw a creepy little devil crawling on our kitchen floor. I couldn't help but shout in both fear and disgust.

Soon Lisa came running towards me. She was caught off guard when I jumped and wrapped my arms around her shoulders and buried my face in the crook of her neck. 

Hmm.. she smells nice... Not the time Jennie, I scolded myself. She kept asking what happened and I lift my head a little to look at the culprit over her shoulder only to get disgusted even more.

"OH MY GOD!!! I said and hide my face again and shook my body to get the image out of my head.

Lisa was holding me by waist to support me. "Please get me out of here" I asked her and felt her nod her head. 

What I didn't expect was her to lift me bridal style and than walk out of the kitchen. A blush made it's way on my face and when she put me down near the couch so I can sit, I just couldn't. I kept hugging her not wanting anyone to see me as a blushing mess.

"Hey what happened?" I heard Jisoo unnie's worried voice. I know all of them are worried but what can you say? A girl can be afraid of a freaking cockroach. Eww I don't even like thinking about it.

"There's a cockroach in the kitchen" I mumbled almost a whisper and than I heard Lisa laugh. I could feel her body was shaking because I am still hugging her.

"Why are you laughing Lisa?" Rosie asked this time. They can't see my face and they didn't hear me as well so no one knew I said something. 

"She said she saw a cockroach in the kitchen" Lisa replied and I heard Jisoo unnie and Lisa laughing more loudly now.

I hit Lisa on her back to make her stop laughing "Don't laugh". Well I am not blushing anymore but I like this position. Don't mind me hugging Lisa. 

Soon I heard them say "Rosie get down from the couch it's in kitchen not here" Now I know why they are laughing because Rosie is afraid of cockroaches too.

"It's dead" I said a little louder and everyone stopped whatever they were doing.

"What?? dead?? You were afraid of a dead cockroach??" Lisa said and I can sense the disbelief even in her voice. 

I finally backed away, A LITTLE, so I can see her face "Well it was not dead when I saw it first you murderer" I told her while squinting my eyes and accusing her.

"What me? Murderer? What are you talking about?" I have never seen her more confused. Ahhh she is cute.

"Yeah... You... Murderer... You stepped on that creepy little disgusting devil when you came in the kitchen" I accused her more

"What the... I didn't even saw it... Not my mistake if I stepped on it" Lisa said with a disgusted face.

"Well you did and it's still there if you want a proof and It's more disgusting than it was alive." I told her scrunching my nose in disgust.

"Are you gonna keep canoodling or you gonna come with me to look at the 'creepy little disgusting devil'? Jisoo unnie asked with a disgusted face but I can tell her tone was of a teasing one.

Both Lisa and I blushed and finally I let her go. "I will get you some water" she told me before following her. I was a blushing mess again with her sweetness. 

I Like Lisa Manoban. Confirmed. My heart has spoken what it wants.

"I can't believe this..." I heard Rosie, I looked at her and she was looking at Lisa and Jisoo's back going to the kitchen.

"What is it that you can't believe??" I asked confused because seriously what is there not to believe.

"LISA" She said and shook her head in disappointment

"What about Lisa" I asked with a raised eyebrow because I can't understand what she means at all.

"I am her best friend and she didn't even care about me. And to tell you she knows I don't like cockroachs just like you." Rosie said and looked at me with the expressions of betrayal.

"She didn't even ask me if I was okay now that you are here." She pouted "What more if you actually get in a relationship" Rosie complained and sinked in her seat on the couch like a child.

Well it was funny and cute at the same time. I didn't know what to say to lift her mood.

As I was about to say something Lisa came back with not one but two glasses of water. She gave one to Rosie than to me.

From the corner of my eyes I could see that Rosie was smiling like a child when her bestfriend didn't forget about her.

"Ahh I love you Lizzzz" Rosie said almost singing Lisa's name and jumped on her back. I laughed at her action and she joined me too. Lisa looked at both of us confused. Before she spoke Jisoo unnie came back.

"The coast is clear" Jisoo said as soon as she came. Rosie asked jisoo what she meant.

"I mean the kitchen is clean now. We can go back and continue our dinner. Cause I'm sooooooooo hungrrryyyyyy" she said as she made her way to the deck.

As soon as Rosie heard it she jumped down from Lisa's back and ran after Jisoo.

Lisa stumbled a few steps because of the force and looked at Rosie with disbelief. These three can be so hilarious sometimes.

I followed the two leaving Lisa and smiled a little. Happy to be away from work for a few days and especially to spend that time with these three whom I have learned to love and trust with my life.

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