Chapter 3- This is just see you later

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Waking up the next morning Connor felt just as tired as the night before. Forcing himself out of bed, Connor brushed his teeth and showered, once again not having enough Energy to do much he just stood under the running water.
Skipping breakfast Connor made himself a quick coffee and got in his car.
The sun was breaking the sky over Chicago, casting a beautiful orange colour over the city.

Ava looks so pretty

Pulling into med Connor stared at the building, thinking about what he was about to do, and where he was about to go.

Unable to get himself out of the car Connor instead opened his phone, quickly tapping on Ava's contact, she was first in his list. The dial tone sounded several times, Connor knew no one was coming to pick it up. Each ring knelling Ava's life to an end.
Eventually the tone ended and Connor heard a beep.

"Hi this is Dr. Ava Bekker, sorry I can't make it to the phone right now. If you leave a message I will get back to you as soon as I can"


Connor let out a shaky breath, "Hi Avey. I'm, im coming in to say goodbye to you now" he sniffled. "Why did you do this, I miss you so much" he sobbed, crying soon then expected.
"I didn't think it would end like this, I never wanted it to end like this. Jesus Ava, everything I said to you." He sucked in a breath, "This is all my fault. I'm sorry Ave, I just hope your in a better place, where ever you are."
"We never even got to say goodbye" he sniffles, "we kind of just ended"
"I hope your one upping everyone in surgeon heaven" he laughs lightly.
"I think you brought out the best in me, I hadn't been quite that happy since Downing's death. Say hi to my mum for me, she would have loved you"
"Come back to me please, as a ghost or a shadow. A sunrise, Something, anything Ava"
"You're my girl Avey, I'll miss you forever"
Just as Connor was about to continue talking the sudden beep ended Connors goodbye message.

Using the visitor entrance to avoid being seen by the ED staff, Connor made his way down to the morgue.
"Good morning sir, who are you here to see" the women behind the desk asked.
"Ava Bekker" He told her horsely, being all to aware of how rough he must look.

"Are you family?"
Connor paused to think at this question, was he?
Ava didn't exactly have many people in her life that she was close with, and if he didn't say something important he wouldn't be allowed see her.
"Boyfriend" He said confidently, feeling a sharp pain in his chest at that word.
The women typed several keys into her keyboard. Glancing up she gave Connor a perplexed look, before returning her gaze to the screen.
"Sir are you sure she was taken to this hospital?"
"Yes I'm sure" he replied shortly.
"We have no record of her being processed" she told him.
"She died in my arms in this hospital, I'm sure she's here" Connor snaps at the women.
She gives him a pitiful look from her chair, "I'm sorry for your loss, sir"

Typing a few more things into the keyboard her face lit up in shock, "This rarely happens" she told him turning her computer screen to face Connor.
"Ava Bekker, resuscitated at 16:23pm, in ICU room 6" she read the information out to him, following it with her pen.

Connor read over the information again and again, not wanting to get his hopes up.
"Resuscitated at 16:23pm" he muttered to himself.
Throwing himself over the desk he pulls the women into a hug, "Thank you, thank you" he chanted. "Oh, okey" the women said in shock, patting Connors back.

Connor flew out of the elevator when he made it to the ICU.
Connor caught himself in the doorway, still not wanting to get his hopes up he lifted his eyes from the ground to meet the scene before him.
Ava was laying in a hospital gown and was intubated. The early morning sun was caught in her curls, leaving golden rays on her face.
"Avey" he whispered to himself, crossing the threshold of the room. Pulling up a chair Connor got as close to Ava as he could, studying her face, he wanted to make sure it was really her.
Even though her eyes were closed, he knew it was her; by the curve of her cheeks and the way her hair sat, this was his Ava.

Reaching out Connor ran the back of one of his fingers down her cheek, shocked by the coldness he received back.
Taking Ava's hand in his he let out a soft cry. Ava Bekker was alive; intubated, but alive.
He stroked the back of her hand lovingly, hoping she could feel that someone was here for her. Connor stayed like that for a long time, head hung, holding Ava's hand in his. Crying softly to himself. Her hands seemed so small in his, like his would swallow hers whole.

"Dr. Rhodes" A voice came coolly from the door. Turning his head he found Sharron in the doorway. Connor smiled to her, still feeling tears fall from his eyes.
"I'm glad to see you here. We were going to send someone to your home to tell you the news and do a welfare check, since you weren't answering any calls or messages" Sharron told him, coming to stand at the end of the bed.
Connor shook his head, "Sorry I haven't check my phone since lunch time yesterday"
"That's okey Connor. I'll leave the tablet here and you can read through her file. But just let it be known that once she is stable we will have to transport her to a psych ward, and PD will be contacted" she placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, "Gaffney will be here to support you no matter the outcome" Connor nodded, taking in the information.

"Connor" Sharron said uncomfortablely, "I received your resignation sticky note. Should I take you off the staff list?"
Connor thought for a moment "What are the chances of Ava waking up."
"Between 15-18%, and that's without looking at potential speech and brain injuries"
Connor smiled, looking down at Ava, she looking like she was just sleeping.
"When has Ava Bekker ever been in the bottom 85%?" Connor remarked with a snort.
"I'll stay, even if theirs a small chance of her waking up, I have to" he told her.
"Very well, I'll pencil you in for a few days off to recover" Sharron said before excused herself , leaving Connor and Ava alone again.
The only sound in the room was that ventilator breathing for Ava and the odd beep of a machine.
Connor pulls his phone out of his pocket and finally checks his messages.

5 missed calls from Sharron Goodwin (Admin)
3 messages - Dr. Rhodes we need you to contact to hospital
1 message from Dr. Latham

Feeling intrigued by the messages from Latham Connor clicked into it, Latham never texted.

Dear Dr. Rhodes,

I hope you are doing well,

I am sending you a text message rather than an email as I believe this would reach you faster. I am writing to inform you the your colleague and friend, Dr. Ava Bekker, was resuscitated and is now stable in the ICU.

Dr. Latham

Connor chucked lightly at Latham's best attempts to help Connor and contact him. Leaning forward in his chair again Connor took Ava stiff hand in his.
His eyes trailed over to her far arm, noticing several poppy bruises, just above her elbow. In the same place he had grabbed her after accusing her of killing his farther.

Connor shuddered, having not realise in his fit of anger that he's physically hurt her.
Connor pressed his eyes closed hard. Bring her hand to his lips.

Come on Ava, you can pull through this

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